WWAWT Guilty Pleasures?



I don't care, I'm down to tell everyone about the whack stuff that I like.

I love that movie Clueless. I've seen it over 100 times and it's probably in my top five favorite movies.

I've seen the Black Eyed Peas a bunch of times live. I love that band.

I watch AEW wrestling even when the kids aren't with me. I've loved pro wrestling since I was little.

I've probably seen every episode of Lost 100 times each too. It's my all time favorite show. And I thought the ending was awesome.

What are some of your guys's guilty pleasures?

A House Nigger

Zero Nigger Policy.
Britney fucking rules. Always has. I've been simping for her since the 90s.


I don't care, I'm down to tell everyone about the whack stuff that I like.

I love that movie Clueless. I've seen it over 100 times and it's probably in my top five favorite movies.

I've seen the Black Eyed Peas a bunch of times live. I love that band.

I watch AEW wrestling even when the kids aren't with me. I've loved pro wrestling since I was little.

I've probably seen every episode of Lost 100 times each too. It's my all time favorite show. And I thought the ending was awesome.

What are some of your guys's guilty pleasures?
Pretty good fawkin topic, just massaging what the people want to hear.

I’m all in with the Lost fucking great. Jim and Anthony were fucking retarded when they were talking lost back in the day. I really hope one of them dies soon.