WWAWT Freemasons?



It would explain so much. If you look at their lives they are complete losers, yet they do have this elitist attitude for no reason, and theres clearly an “inner circle” that goes beyond regular favoritism. Very culty and odd

My uncles a fucking loser and is obsessed with Pittsburgh sports though he’s from Connecticut
He lays tile for a living and has the mason thing on his truck
You have to do all this gay ritual shit to get in like separate black marbles from white marbles or something
It’s like the elks lodge for middle aged dudes who want to get away from their wives for a little bit

Obviously the people like bush and jefferson and reagan were on a different satanic level
I saw a guy today who's a freemason. He wore a black leather trench coat and a fedora with some kind of feather on the left side. I know he's also into tabletop role-playing games. I wonder if he dresses like that because he's a freemason, he's into role-playing, or if he's in some kind of pedophile ring. I mean what comes first and leads into the other stuff.
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Shock Jock
I saw a guy today who's a freemason. He wore a black leather trench coat and a fedora with some kind of feather on the left side. I know he's also into tabletop role-playing games. I wonder if he dresses like that because he's a freemason, he's into role-playing, or if he's in some kind of pedophile ring. I mean what comes first and leads into the other stuff.
They seem like people who are powerhungry and dont care who they fuck over to get what they want. I wouldnt be surprised if politics is filled with them.