WWAWD NYC Jew Tunnels


Hudson Margera-Hughes

Heyyyy, HELLHOLE ADLsters...


The Backbone of America
"It was reported after a man was hearing voices in his home"

Imagine how fucking creepy that would be. Hearing a bunch of annoying fucking jewish complaining through your house and no clue where it's coming from.

Also, why are they flipping out about the tunnel if they no longer need to use it? They'd rather move around underground like the fucking mole people they are than walk down the street where the GOYS are and use the door like real people. "The goyim want to fix the rat-like damage we caused! We must destroy our beloved church even further in protest!"


The Backbone of America
Seriously, watch that video and tell me that doesn't look like a problem you should call an exterminator for.

For being so confident that they're super evolved beings they sure behave like literal pest animals. You ever had the displeasure of smelling one of these hat-jews? They make it REALLY difficult to not hate them. They're offensive to all the senses.

I know I say I'm not actually a hateful racist sometimes and then I see some WW2 propaganda come to life like this and I can say that yeah, I don't like these ones at all. At all.


The Backbone of America
You know those mouse traps you can make with a bucket and a dowel? You put peanut butter on the middle of the dowel, the mouse tries to get to it, the dowel rolls over, the mouse falls in the bucket and drowns. Effective as fuck. They should make a giant one of those in NYC and disguise it as a fountain or an art installation and use a penny instead of peanut butter. They'd holocaust themselves.

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
You know those mouse traps you can make with a bucket and a dowel? You put peanut butter on the middle of the dowel, the mouse tries to get to it, the dowel rolls over, the mouse falls in the bucket and drowns. They should make a giant one of those in NYC and disguise it as a fountain or an art installation and use a penny instead of peanut butter. They'd holocaust themselves.
I think Jews are the only thing you hate more than retards.


The Backbone of America
I think Jews are the only thing you hate more than retards.
Everything about this whole situation pisses me off. It's like if you gave a bum a million dollars and a mansion the whole property would be destroyed and stripped of copper in a week because something's busted in their brains and they don't know how to behave like humans. They're ruining something they care about. It's retarded. And they're laughing about it because they know they'll face no repercussions.

Also the part of the video where you see the one squeeze up out of the grate like an actual fucking sewer rat is really driving it home for me. If they love their fucking tunnel so much, stay down there. Don't bother the humans.


The Backbone of America
Everything about this whole situation pisses me off. It's like if you gave a bum a million dollars and a mansion the whole property would be destroyed and stripped of copper in a week because something's busted in their brains and they don't know how to behave like humans. They're ruining something they care about. It's retarded. And they're laughing about it because they know they'll face no repercussions.

Also the part of the video where you see the one squeeze up out of the grate like an actual fucking sewer rat is really driving it home for me. If they love their fucking tunnel so much, stay down there. Don't bother the humans.
I'm too fired up. I should just laugh at the obvious rat parallel and say "At least they're destroying their OWN silly shit this time." (Along with whatever other building foundations they've screwed up along the way)

But seriously, there was a guy who tried to stop this and he's considered the most evil person to ever live.
The freaky Hasidic cult doesn't give a fuck about anyone or anything but themselves. And when faced with consequences or repercussions, they start blubbering about persecution and the Holocaust. They're madly digging tunnels for themselves with no regard for safety or property or anyone else's welfare, just to satisfy their own retarded urges. They do this shit everywhere they congregate. Like how they rent rickety bucket trucks and hang magic wires everywhere, or how they completely pillage local school districts, or how they scam every possible government program, or how they build shitty, illegal multi-family ghettos in bucolic mountain towns. They're just a humongous drain, wherever they plant their smelly flag.