Get high and go fishing is great advice
Artie is already addicted to weed.
He dabs or has a dab pen, so his “depression” sets in when he’s not stoned and on the comedown
Weed addiction masks your emotions and makes you on a constant dopamine high, so no matter how shitty your life situation, everything seems okay… until you start sobering up.
That’s why every tranny smokes all day.
To cope
In arties case it’s probably that he has a dead end job with coworkers he hates, no gf, no kids, plays videogames on his leisure time and wonders why he’s almost living paycheck to pay check, and all the aformentioned is why he lives in the glory days reminiscing about luis guzman and talks to crows like a freak.
It’s time to just say no to drugs (escapism), as he is entering his forties where things will only get worse from there (become johnnynoname), as Inside he knows he has turned himself into a genetic dead end with nothing to show for his last two decades as an adult
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