With my shining example, he now knows how to deal with his own boy doing drugs. You just smash stuff up, throw him around a bit, and scream at the top of your lungs that you love him but you'll knock him the fuck out. And then you tell HIM to swing out of nowhere and he won't because you're acting like a psychopath and he's scared.
YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE OL ABE, HARRY? YOU HEAR THAT, MEWLER? BIG BAD HARRY'S GONNA FUCKIN PUNCH OUT THE OL MAN! *Mewler wails from the other room "please don't hurt the boy, Abe!" and collapses onto the floor in tears* SWING! SWING YOU FUCKING PUSSY! You won't. You're nothing. You'll always be nothing. You're a coward. I love you and I care about you and you are destroying this family. Look at your poor Mewler. LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID TO YOUR FUCKIN MEWLER, HAROLD!!
I’ve taken notes, I’m putting them in my fireproof safe to reference when my kid is older.
Mewler, you’re right! She lives with me now and we are already planning the next Junior. I shouldn’t be browsing medicine cabinets anymore!