WWAW Twitch whores being abused by their pimp/husband



Look at thumbnail...the pose is meant to simultaneously hide hand-digit ratio and jawline. Miserable life they lead.

There's no way it's tranny. They haven't hacked it this well enough yet


That looks like the guy in Creed with a wig on
Well he looks pretty feminine to me. They hacked it dude. FTM is easy af (at least compared to MTF) and can be almost indistinguishable from bio females and gender reassignment is not 'something' new...the tech is ancient. (All the royal eunuchs from history etc are still among us). 200 years ago all these trannies would be living in palaces and conducting royal day to day affairs. Now they just pepper them in social media, hollywood or the news.

It's a whole thing. They kinda semi-revealed with Michelle Obama, but the good ones are almost indistinguishable from real women. It's a subcategory of Baphomet worship/divine feminine shit the elite are into.


Well he looks pretty feminine to me. They hacked it dude. FTM is easy af (at least compared to MTF) and can be almost indistinguishable from bio females and gender reassignment is not 'something' new...the tech is ancient. (All the royal eunuchs from history etc are still among us). 200 years ago all these trannies would be living in palaces and conducting royal day to day affairs. Now they just pepper them in social media, hollywood or the news.

It's a whole thing. They kinda semi-revealed with Michelle Obama, but the good ones are almost indistinguishable from real women. It's a subcategory of Baphomet worship/divine feminine shit the elite are into.
I don't know. Not seen a lot of them but there's always a giveaway. The voice, the hands, the jaw etc. Disgusting