WWAW Twitch whores being abused by their pimp/husband

The Greaseman

Slingin' lead!
A stunt to make more simpbux? A hoe being kept in her place by a strong pimp hand? A shocking tale of a controlling abuser and his victim? You be the judge.

Fakers on full display:

Gook husband:
A stunt to make more simpbux? A hoe being kept in her place by a strong pimp hand? A shocking tale of a controlling abuser and his victim? You be the judge.

Fakers on full display:

Gook husband:
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It’s a work.


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
Some people speculate that she's a post-op tranny:


Looking a those frail hands and twiggy arms, I'd ordinarily say that's no man, but there's so little difference between men and women these days that it's hard to be sure of anything.

New rule: every woman is a dude until I inspect them with my cock.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
I don't trust women who suck dildos off for a living, nor women who Frankenstein themselves into looking like a completely different person. The husband is probably a prick but my point still stands.

Edit: I just watched the clip. I am more convinced she's lying now, it looked like fake crying tbh. I imagine she's been a complete headfuck for a while and her husband has finally had enough and snapped, now she's playing it up for pity.

Wrong again, child. This apex male will set you straight

They say hate is a strong word, but i truly hate this fag.