WWAW the Dutch Farmer Strike


what language is that mew you got lots of explaining to do. they ever figure out who the fact checkers are yet
Reread my original comment; the kike 'fact checkers' chimed in on that photo. In Hebrew. So, you know, kikes trying to propagandize and lie yet again. You don't even need to know the translation to smell the poo poo.


Reread my original comment; the kike 'fact checkers' chimed in on that photo. In Hebrew. So, you know, kikes trying to propagandize and lie yet again. You don't even need to know the translation to smell the poo poo.
Ahhh...You would only see that article written in Hebrew if you're in kikeville or have your settings set to Hebrew?


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
How’s America doing with the Nigger problem? You guys could use a little bit less food.
Nice tractors!

Well the Zionist Occupied US government subsidizes poor blacks to reproduce out of wedlock, then feeds, forces the violent apes into schools with white children to degrade them, houses, feeds the niglets free meals year round from the school systems on top of the monthly food welfare, gives them cash and healthcare.

All at the expense of whites.

So the US needs less jews in government using niggers as their golems against whites.