WWAW the Dutch Farmer Strike



Less food. More schwoogies.


How’s America doing with the Nigger problem? You guys could use a little bit less food.


How’s America doing with the Nigger problem? You guys could use a little bit less food.
I'm not a Guinea just part and I'm not skinny, but I'm not fat and I'm taller than the very super tall Joe Cumia lol. I played OT, so I'm not 215lbs, but I buy all my pants off the rack in a normal person store. I have a size 15 shoe and wear a size 8 hat. Not that it matters as I'm in my 50s now. I did lose 40lbs thanks to the merciless beatings we gave Pat lol. It made me realize that being overweight is a representation of sloth.I worked in a field where I dealt with niggers and their niglets in their housing projects early in my career. I did over 30 years in it. I clearly move freely between 2 countries and have homes in both and can you get SSI overseas, I doubt it, I'll ask a nigger.... can you? I probably do have some worry of CTE, but at 51 that is unlikely. I'm not fat but I bet you are. My kids except one are all slim and everybody has 5 fingers and toes on each hands, but it sounds like some little niglet you sired may have crab claws like Bree Walker. My wife is around 20 lbs heavier than when I met her so yea she's fat not too much, but she's had 4 kids and yes having her shit and piss on me is wonderful.


Tucker Max didn't really get to the heart of the matter. Apparently our wise technocratic overlords have plans to turn BENELUX into a sprawling smart city, the transportation hub of Europe, packing in many new immigrants for cultural enrichment. Dutch farmers need to be booted off of their land for this visionary project to happen. The environmental BS is just a convenient excuse.




Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
WWAW @Lawless Ryda being AWOL all day? maybe he's a Dutch farmer and he's out there on a tractor rn.

Got me, i'm a proud country boy.

It's going to get real ugly real fast, this shit is fucked up, the media are really trying to portray these farmers as terrorists, meanwhile real terrorist scum like these muslim fucks we keep importing are portrayed as poor little victims.

These shitheads in government don't give a fuck about their own native population, their heads need to roll in the gutter

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
Got me, i'm a proud country boy.

It's going to get real ugly real fast, this shit is fucked up, the media are really trying to portray these farmers as terrorists, meanwhile real terrorist scum like these muslim fucks we keep importing are portrayed as poor little victims.

These shitheads in government don't give a fuck about their own native population, their heads need to roll in the gutter
its happening everywhere mang, globehomo agenda


Got me, i'm a proud country boy.

It's going to get real ugly real fast, this shit is fucked up, the media are really trying to portray these farmers as terrorists, meanwhile real terrorist scum like these muslim fucks we keep importing are portrayed as poor little victims.

These shitheads in government don't give a fuck about their own native population, their heads need to roll in the gutter
God be with you, no bs.


Dutch farmers don’t give a shit. Why do i see a confederate flag over there? Lol.

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At the end of the day, the flag wasn't the fawkin' problem in the end. Sniff. It's widely seen as a symbol of rebellion, or more specifically resisting a tyrannical government. People can argue until they're blue in the face about niggers or even about what I just wrote, and it's nothing more than autistic screeching. It's symbolism, and symbolism evolves. The same reason you see it in the Netherlands is the same reason you'd see it in central PA or small towns in CA, despite the turbo autist retards who live online sharing the groundbreaking revelation that none of those places were in the confederacy.

One obvious common theme of it is that it pops up in agricultural, rural communities. And in a sense, it has sort of become their flag, because this isn't the fucking antebellum South and we don't close out niggers on ropes anymore.


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
I'm not a Guinea just part and I'm not skinny, but I'm not fat and I'm taller than the very super tall Joe Cumia lol. I played OT, so I'm not 215lbs, but I buy all my pants off the rack in a normal person store. I have a size 15 shoe and wear a size 8 hat. Not that it matters as I'm in my 50s now. I did lose 40lbs thanks to the merciless beatings we gave Pat lol. It made me realize that being overweight is a representation of sloth.I worked in a field where I dealt with niggers and their niglets in their housing projects early in my career. I did over 30 years in it. I clearly move freely between 2 countries and have homes in both and can you get SSI overseas, I doubt it, I'll ask a nigger.... can you? I probably do have some worry of CTE, but at 51 that is unlikely. I'm not fat but I bet you are. My kids except one are all slim and everybody has 5 fingers and toes on each hands, but it sounds like some little niglet you sired may have crab claws like Bree Walker. My wife is around 20 lbs heavier than when I met her so yea she's fat not too much, but she's had 4 kids and yes having her shit and piss on me is wonderful.
(No offense AIDS patients….)

PS- I cover my fatness up well. Being 6’ 1” helps big time