WWAW the Dutch Farmer Strike



They are causing quite an uproar over here, blocking highways and not stocking supermarkets. It’s a tough one man. The government wants to reduce the amount of farms by half because of the nitrogen emission.

I hope they take their tractors to the Hague and fuck the government up. It’s time for a Dutch revolution. Off with their fucking heads!


Dutch farmers don’t give a shit. Why do i see a confederate flag over there? Lol.



The Dutch government are willingly letting themselves be anally raped by Brussels. I fear in a few years the Netherlands won’t exist anymore we will just be a little pawn for the fuckers in the European Parliament. I’m glad some people over here are finally waking up and are willing to fight for their rights and livelihoods.


Tucker is pretty real ass talking about this

idk man the protest is gonna to end badly and wont change the globehomo agenda

thats all i got

was googleing about some of this and saw this related article in reddit speak, so i clicked on the "reporter's" profile and man what an annoying cunt
View attachment 52456

“Dutch supermarket shelves go empty while farmers do the exact opposite of their jobs and block our food”

That’s the fucking point of a protest, you stupid cunt!


Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
Tucker is pretty real ass talking about this

idk man the protest is gonna to end badly and wont change the globehomo agenda

thats all i got

was googleing about some of this and saw this related article in reddit speak, so i clicked on the "reporter's" profile and man what an annoying cunt
View attachment 52456
Cunts like this ramble on about being pro working class and anti establishment and yet unknowingly spread government propaganda which results in the working man being fucked over.

They really are NPCs and anyone who deems themselves a “journalist“ should be spat upon.