WWAW the CM Punk meltdown


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
This is my vote for line of the day
Did i hear line of the day, sniff.



Stand Alone Fruit
Japanese and Mexican wrestling does them depending on the company. AEW stole that and basically everything else from there. Tony Khan is trying to present AEW like it’s ECW with a proper television budget, but it’s really like late 90s WCW Thunder and WCW Saturday Night. I want to like AEW, but they fuck themselves over constantly.
That’s what pisses me off about AEW, they could be great but they fuck it up so much. It feels like they have a thousand wrestlers that are all the same. Nobody sticks out or grabs attention to make me watch.


Stand Alone Fruit
I've always enjoyed Punk but he's getting to be the same as Cornette. Eventually when every bridge is burned, maybe you're the problem. Even though Punks probably right, he seems like a toxic (yea I'm a faggot for saying that word) mofo.
I think Punk is the 2nd most bitter wrestler only behind Bret Hart. Especially with his straight edge shit like that makes him believe he’s better than everyone else. I knew a couple guys growing up who were proud straight edge kids and they were annoying as shit. I still remember two of them because they dressed like the Hardy Boyz in high school and everyone thought they were douchebags.


Stand Alone Fruit
also, Mark my words,

When "Ape" Divorces punk (it will happen btw), she will spill the beans, and talk about how he always used anti-Semitic slurs when referring to Colt Cobana.

there is no way an irish mother fucker who looks like punk does not use the word "Kike"

I don't care how that liberal that guy is
Punk always struck me as a miserable cunt with a chip on his shoulder. He believes his own hype even though his MMA career was a complete disaster. I bet he’s mentally abusive to his wife, lot of passive aggressive shit, manipulating, etc.

He’s one of the super liberal guys that always turns out to be a real monster of a person.


I have a face like a shovel
Punk always struck me as a miserable cunt with a chip on his shoulder
nothing gets by you...........

sarcasm aside, he is Pro Wrestling's version of Alan Moore (EDIT: he will also ultimately mirror Moore's life in his later years in that he will totally shun the industry, and just become semi Sallinger-esque)

btw- "super liberal" however he definitely uses racial slurs (referring to other wrestlers) in private.....i'll give him credit though, and say that he doesn't hit any "Hard R's".....
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