WWAW the CM Punk meltdown




I think they’re all on prep, fucking faggots!



“According to numerous reports from the likes of [URL='https://www.patreon.com/fightful']Fightful Select[/URL] and the [URL='https://www.f4wonline.com/news/aew/cm-punk-ace-steel-fight-with-young-bucks-kenny-omega-after-aew-all-out']Wrestling Observer[/URL], an altercation did in fact take place backstage in Punk’s locker room following his explosive press conference. Who threw the first punch changes depending on the report, but the hands started flying between Matt Jackson and Punk, when Ace Steel also got involved. Nick Jackson reportedly was hit with a chair thrown by Steel and may have been knocked out, but no reports have confirmed if injuries were sustained. Steel also allegedly got physical with Omega, with the Observer reporting that Omega got bitten in the altercation.”

Who wants some popcorn?



Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
lol at wrestling having post-match press conferences.
Japanese and Mexican wrestling does them depending on the company. AEW stole that and basically everything else from there. Tony Khan is trying to present AEW like it’s ECW with a proper television budget, but it’s really like late 90s WCW Thunder and WCW Saturday Night. I want to like AEW, but they fuck themselves over constantly.