WWAW the CM Punk meltdown


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
Wins the championship, then goes insane at the post-event "media scrum". Shitting on Colt Cabana, Hangman Page and The Elite while eating muffins as Tony Khan sits beside him saying nothing. This lead to a brawl backstage between Punk and The Elite, now reports are coming out CM Punk's been fired.

Fuck this feels like 90s wrestling again.


I have a face like a shovel
right now, it's a shoot...

however it comes off as being very "work shoot"

the beauty in it is that they are swerving us because they know how jaded fans are, and they know we are automatically gonna say something like "you know it's a work, right?". I genuinely think it's a shoot right now........however, eventually they will ride it out, and then start working it into a angle so right now- it's a shoot......in a month from now it will be a work

EDIT: think of this.....footage of the fight was never released......you're telling me nobody filmed that fight....in 2022


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
right now, it's a shoot...

however it comes off as being very "work shoot"

the beauty in it is that they are swerving us because they know how jaded fans are, and they know we are automatically gonna say something like "you know it's a work, right?". I genuinely think it's a shoot right now........however, eventually they will ride it out, and then start working it into a angle so right now- it's a shoot......in a month from now it will be a work

EDIT: think of this.....footage of the fight was never released......you're telling me nobody filmed that fight....in 2022
Don't work yourself into a shoot, brother. HH


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
right now, it's a shoot...

however it comes off as being very "work shoot"

the beauty in it is that they are swerving us because they know how jaded fans are, and they know we are automatically gonna say something like "you know it's a work, right?". I genuinely think it's a shoot right now........however, eventually they will ride it out, and then start working it into a angle so right now- it's a shoot......in a month from now it will be a work

EDIT: think of this.....footage of the fight was never released......you're telling me nobody filmed that fight....in 2022

The end of the PPV was MJF's big return and setting up another Punk vs MJF feud. Then all that got overshadowed by Punk afterwards. They're saying news should drop in 18 minutes or so at 5:30.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
This faggot looks like every homeless bum i pass on the street.



He looks like he smells like shit.


it doesn't taste all that good
Tony Khan's face throughout the Punk interview is hilarious. It's like a man who has just realised every bad thing he heard about the dude he just bet his farm on is true and it's going to fuck him.

Punk is like Cornette: You don't play everything 100% straight and narrow business-wise and he'll shit on you. The Cabana stuff is 100% fact. Whether he's pissed off at people sayin that's why Colt got shifted to ROH when he got hired is the potential; work.

Honestly, it's a bit of both sides being bitches. Punk should thank fuck he has a placeto work and Omega and the bucks should thanks fuck he's there to do it. The rest is angles.


Tony khan just realized why Vince scripted literally everything that was said on air.

First of all, the media scrum thing is so stupid. Wrestling reporting is the lowest form of news media in the history of journalism.

You can tell CM Punk is incredibly annoying but if his boss is going to hand him a live microphone, then fuck it, right? He also kind of let MJF do the same thing, although he shat on the company more than actual people.