WWAW Sleepy Joe getting covid


Stand Alone Fruit
Yeah but Hunter was never in the “news” they kept that shit under wraps from the normies with all their might! Is actually impressive at this point
Especially with how the media treated Trumps kids but pretend Hunter doesn’t even exist. He knocked up some stripper couple years ago and if they trump boys did that it would be mentioned constantly.


Big Time
I’m no doctor but to me that’s like saying a condom will prevent you from giving herpes to a bitch but won’t stop you from catching it. Shouldn’t it work both ways?

You would think that's the case -- but almost all of the masks out there contain the droplets and vapor, but aren't able to deflect the vapor coming in, as it's too small. So if you have Covid, or the flu, you can cough right into a maks-wearer's face and they'll catch your disease.

Mask mandates were to insure that people don't unknowingly spread the disease...even though that would have been the best goddamn way to thin the herd.
Nice first female-street shiter-nigger-president by default, stupid.
I think they're going to replace her as VP before they get rid of Biden. She'll get fire, they'll install Gay Pete in her place then Biden will croak or they'll finally deem him incompetent. You'll know when it's going down when the media starts acknowledging his shit for brains.


You would think that's the case -- but almost all of the masks out there contain the droplets and vapor, but aren't able to deflect the vapor coming in, as it's too small. So if you have Covid, or the flu, you can cough right into a maks-wearer's face and they'll catch your disease.

Mask mandates were to insure that people don't unknowingly spread the disease...even though that would have been the best goddamn way to thin the herd.
The British government admitted that the mask mandate was a psychological scare tactic to get people to take it more seriously and that they had little to no efficacy in preventing the wearer either catching or spreading covid.


Which way?! Medium or well done?
The British government admitted that the mask mandate was a psychological scare tactic to get people to take it more seriously and that they had little to no efficacy in preventing the wearer either catching or spreading covid.
Where was that? Did some scientist/doctor autistically say something he shouldn't have and then was corrrrected by the government spokespeople?

Or is this openly acknowledged?


I live in Central Europe and no one wears them anymore
I live in the Midwest and I see 3-4 people wearing them a week. Usually pretty old folks who look like a mild cold would kill them anyway.
Yeah, the rare occasion I see someone wearing one is old people with fright in their eyes in the supermarket
I still see many people wearing them in the north east, young and old, even in cars alone. It boggles my mind in the office when someone will walk by my desk with their mask on, but then i will see them at other times walking by without one..whats the fucking point?


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Also a friend of my girlfriend literally just said “yeah but Biden at least doesn’t say what Trump did”. At least you could understand and follow what he was saying, even if you didn’t agree with it.

In the interest of not totally embarrassing my girlfriend and calling Biden a pants shitting retard I instead merely commented back to her “When I see Biden talk I just get very, very sad. He reminds me so much of my late grandmother.” I might get a talking to later lol