Wwaw separating the artist from the art


Still spreading the O&A virus
I literally cannot make it through more than ten seconds of a Michael Jackson song before I think of him molesting kids or the actor from Home Alone. Or think of his portrayal on South Park or his insane interview where he talked about being in prison. "Thass ignant.....doodie feces...".
Oh really? They say every artist puts a bit of themselves into their work.

So when I hear David Bowies lyrics about children abandoning their parents teachings and making a life beyond their control, I remember that these are probably the same lines he told 13 year old girls as he was molesting them.

When I hear led Zeppelins queer love songs, I remember that their version of love is raping a child.

Is this a toddler mind or a functional brain with pattern recognition
That's literally what every pedo says holy shit. I didn't know he was a pedo to that level. Ezra Miller got drunk put on body armor waved a gun around and said the same shit to the parents of a kid he was grooming