Wwaw separating the artist from the art


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
Trump explained Rev. Al when he was questioned about Rev. saying bad things about him, basically its part of Rev Al's act, saying and doing those things makes him his money keeps his brand going, he wasn't mad at him for making a living


You will never see my penis
I have a pretty shitty take on this: It depends on how much I like the artist's stuff. Roman Polanski is a massive piece of shit. I can enjoy Chinatown without any issue, though. One actor in The Thick of It turned out to be a pedophile. They found child porn on his hard drive. I'm bothered by him even though his performance is PFG, nothing irreplaceable though. The better the artist and the more special his work, the more I can ignore.


I never heard this. What's the basis?

I read this recently, she said she lost her virginity to bowie at 14 and then jimmy page was living with her at the drake hotel. dunno why these guys are so into young chicks, I could understand Seinfelds girl because she had huge beefers at least.




"... radio's most notorious shock jock."
Germany are a bunch of cuck pussy two time world War losers with zero humor, and Muslim cock washers, but I enjoy their cars
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Overengineered piles of junk.

The germans haven't made a reliable car since the BMWs of the early 2000's (M5 E60, seemed to be the beginning of the end and Mercedes-Benz since the introduction of the GL class have been making consistent dogshit).

Lexus is where is at (even though japs are scat-loving cucks).


I've heard this expression forever but I can't seem to do it. There's easy stuff, like I can hardly go back to ONA and find Anthony funny. He disgusts me so much it hurts his delivery. Same with Norton.

But it goes beyond that. I can't enjoy David Bowie or led zeppelin anymore because they're pedophiles. When I hear ziggy stardust, I can only assume he's dressing up to molest children again.

I can't enjoy a lot of older movies and TV for similar reasons. Actors today are so eager to prove they're retarded, I see their face elsewhere and it puts me off.

I don't even know if I can enjoy a new Futurama, the return season sucked so bad I quit watching it.

How do I do it? How do I watch sons of anarchy, knowing pearlman got lippy with my boy joey cooms?
I used to be so intimidated as a child by gangsta rap/hip hop etc. and now I realized these were all just shameless fags taking it in the ass from old kikes.


I have a face like a shovel
it can be difficult especially when it comes to actors.

You grow to love, and Idolize a certain actor. When you see there movies you go to see a Christian Bale movie, or a Ben Affleck movie. You go to see the actor that you like, and you discount the character they're about to play

Acting is the art of making masks. When you see them on the silver screen, you don't see the actor- you see the mask he took months to create.

I think it's extremely important that you watch an actor for how he portrays a character, and NOT because you think that actor is cute, or funny or, whatever

So, yes- seperate the art from the artist......this can be a slippery slope when it comes to things like Chris Benoit, however even in instances as severe as his, I would still implore to separate the art from the artist


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
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Overengineered piles of junk.

The germans haven't made a reliable car since the BMWs of the early 2000's (M5 E60, seemed to be the beginning of the end and Mercedes-Benz since the introduction of the GL class have been making consistent dogshit).

Lexus is where is at (even though japs are scat-loving cucks).
Jap cars are my favorite of all, I should have gone with German beer for their compliment because I really think German cars are over priced


"... radio's most notorious shock jock."
Jap cars are my favorite of all, I should have gone with German beer for their compliment because I really think German cars are over priced

Can't go wrong with a Porsche though. Even the goddamn Cayenne is a solid luxury SUV.
Almost as reliable as a Lexus RX460 with twice the hp.

God bless german oktoberfest titties too.
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Polanski is a great director, and he's even quite a good actor. I don't mind if he did a bit of assrape, if he's still turning out entertaining movies. We're hypocrites if we don't separate the art from the artist. Prison labor is responsible for a lot of great household items. Are you really going to not enjoy a new low cost dining room table just because it was made by a serial killer?