WWAW "Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares" being a respectable doc series vs the retarded US version


They're two completely different things which can both be enjoyed. The original UK one is obviously quieter and more sincere in some ways. I think Brits are generally less performative than Yanks. A lot of Americans seem to be frustrated actors or performers (Dan, comment?) The US one has the dramatic music and cuts and a lot of the time seems partially scripted. Enjoyable too though sometimes.

I can't remember what the place was called but there was a UK episode with some old guy and his wife who owned a pub. He was a quiet old chap and had some autistic thing where he insisted on serving the food on this old china he'd had for years. Food problems aside, Ramsay told him the plates were gaudy and old-fashioned and he shouldn't use them. The man would quietly agree but, lo and behold, come next service the food would come out on the same old crockery. The conversation would happen again two or three times but the old codger would passive aggressively keep using his old chinaware.

That summed up the difference between the 2 versions for me. In the US one there would have been an over-the-top screaming match followed by the redemption arc and a "I've got to learn to move on" moment at the end. In the UK show he just kept quietly and stubbornly refusing to change until Ramsay had to have all the plates thrown into a skip.
I just watched that one two days ago. That old English gentleman was pretty hilarious walking the streets and yelling about the one true gravy. I think he'd bought more gaudy plates when Ramsay came back a couple months later.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Not sure which version of the show this is from but there's something about him calling a French dude a donkey then yelling "FRENCH PIG" in his face that gets me howling.

That's the very first episode of the US series. "CLEAN IT YOURSELF YOU LAZY CUNT!!"

Idgaf the show is based on a superficial level.


Great food
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Joe's Filipino Supervisor
I admit i sometimes watch Youtube clips of this just because it’s a hilarious freakshow. Most people are so delusional. I know most of it is scripted but It’s a guilty pleasure of mine.
The other hotel show with bald midget was better buy that got old too


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
The Israeli mossad guy running a bakery in Arizona was good too
That episode was pretty funny. The dweeb owner and his boyfriend who yelled at the staff over nonsense. Gordon hated them so much I think he quit. I think that's also the same episode where the owner thought he had millions of dollars in antiques and paintings so Gordon brought in an appraiser who told him it was worth jack shit. That being said Gordon's UK shows are superior.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
I make this dish 3-5 times a month thanks to this video. It's so quick, easy, and delicious.
Even the idea to prepare the meat in olive oil and stock cubes (I think he made the videos to sell you on the stock cubes in the first place) actually works well. Not the healthiest thing, but for some reason it renders the fat better than oil, salt and pepper. The recipe has gotten me the most tender steaks I've made, the cream is just the best.


Not sure which version of the show this is from but there's something about him calling a French dude a donkey then yelling "FRENCH PIG" in his face that gets me howling.[MEDIA=youtube]beKW81R6zP4:151[/MEDIA]
Always good to see a pompous little Frenchman get shit on by a Brit who towers over him, literally and figuratively.