WWAW Panic Attacks?

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
Is pacing back and forth hyperventilating an anxiety attack?
If so, I think I had an unending one that lasted 4 straight years and the only remedy was Patposting

Anxiety attacks and panic attacks are two different things, anxiety attacks are just when your anxiety spikes and you feel uncomfortable and on edge. Panic attacks are when you feel like you can't breathe and might die or go nuts lol.


I know brotherman, i'm fine if i don't smoke bud though, i think any feeling of intoxication makes me panic now which is odd as i used to be a full blown pothead for like 14 years or something... and in regards to the benzos, i have only been taking them daily since my panic came back.. i'm only on 4.5mg a night too, which is a small amount that will be relatively easy and safe to taper off.
You'll be fine, big cat. Go to Japan.


I would like to go back, i wanted to go to Comiket 100 a few months back but didn't feel upto it.
It's also worth remembering that some people have turned their anxiety into greatness. Take former radio host Fred Watson. He used to be all locked up:


And now he's become a world-renowned pianist:



The only time this happens to me is if I smoke and get to thinking about death. People you know who died, people you know who will die soon, your own death, what you should do before you die. What little time you may have left, and then I go into a shame spiral thinking about how I'm wasting my precious moments doing bawng hits! How high are ya?

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
I don't experience anxiety or panic attacks now, but I often become quite anxious and begin to panic over the thought of having them in the future. It's quite vexing.

Yeah, it’s a vicious circle of experiencing a panic attack and then stressing out and being anxious over another one even though you most likely won’t have another one lol.


I suffered from night terrors for a long time. Waking up in a panic whilst screaming. Don’t know it that’s a form of a panic attack.
Same here. Last time I had that I was a teenager. Wonder wtf causes those in childhood? Were we roiped?

My mom did do some bad things to me when I was a toddler. Dont hit me mommy I promise I'll be good.


I only get them if i smoke pot and they linger for a few months before i get back to normal.
This should tell you something. I knew a guy at school who this would happen to. Eventually he went psychotic. Last I heard he'd moved back in with his parents after a lengthy spell in a psychiatric hospital. You should stop smoking if it does that to you.


This should tell you something. I knew a guy at school who this would happen to. Eventually he went psychotic. Last I heard he'd moved back in with his parents after a lengthy spell in a psychiatric hospital. You should stop smoking if it does that to you.
This here slaps. I youtubed how to stop weed anxiety during an attack once and it was a video with seth rogan JEW telling ue to smoke a little less.

Weed = jewish shit


Same here. Last time I had that I was a teenager. Wonder wtf causes those in childhood? Were we roiped?

My mom did do some bad things to me when I was a toddler. Dont hit me mommy I promise I'll be good.
My mom intentionally traumatized me after showing me my first scary movie. Pretty good bit, tbphwy


My mom intentionally traumatized me after showing me my first scary movie. Pretty good bit, tbphwy
You know I traced back a bunch of my recurring nightmares to kids movies.

There's a scene in ernest scared stupid where he puts a doll through some gears when he's stuck in a garbage truck. I had nightmares as a kid I was stuck in gears and woke up screaming with night terrors.

Rewatched ernest scared stupid recently and was like holy fawk...