WWAW overrated movies

The Usual Suspects, The Shining, The Matrix, anything by QT after Pulp Fiction.

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crumbly feta enjoyer
And this being the biggest one of all time..

View attachment 139348
I'm not kidding when I say this. The only Batman that I liked was the original Michael Keaton one. My friends think I'm nuts. I do like the joker as the character. What's his face? Played him well but the plot of the movie and then trying to tell me that melted turtle was and I quote the joker "beautiful" is insanity and took me right out of the movie
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Founder, Order of the Nine Angels
And this being the biggest one of all time..

View attachment 139348
When this movie came out I was the only person I could find that hated it.

I mean hated it. Overrated piece of shit movie.

There's a part where the joker bombs a hospital. How the joker and his minions could have pulled off planting bombs without anyone noticing is retarded.

Then there's the part where the entire movie, the people of Gotham are depicted as no good lowlifes. They have to be rough to survive. It's a jungle. Winner take all might makes right.

Then at the end of the movie, the citizens of Gotham are too pussified to blow up a ship of prisoners to save their own skin. These are the same citizens that were, just 30 minutes ago, scumbags because they had to be. But when they're about to be killed if they don't blow up murderers and pedos, they all of a sudden are like, "No, that's wrong," collectively.
Juno makes me want to kill a bitch.
I've said this on this board before but I'll repeat: I hated Juno until I realized that Jason Bateman's character is literally the hero of the movie. His character is married to a shrill cunt who doesn't appreciate the upper middle class lifestyle that literally he and only he provides and his wife just wants to have his kid to lock him in. He meets Juno, realizes that the life he has is not the one he wants, realizes that he's in love with his own youth and regrets his choices in life, and then ditches the corporate world to instead be happy, at the same time releasing his wife from their awful marriage that will never be good.

The movie where the White male develops feelings for a very young girl, then realizes that's creepy, and then is introspective and takes actions to fix the underlying root cause -- and then the movie makes him the villain, is just fucking gold to me. Explains so much.
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Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Then at the end of the movie, the citizens of Gotham are too pussified to blow up a ship of prisoners to save their own skin. These are the same citizens that were, just 30 minutes ago, scumbags because they had to be. But when they're about to be killed if they don't blow up murderers and pedos, they all of a sudden are like, "No, that's wrong," collectively.

That whole moral dilemma with the ships was so fucking corny and on the nose. The thing with that movie is it did have the potential to be good. Obviously Heath Ledger was great as the joker but that's it. Christian Bale fucking stunk in it; he was just boring and that voice he did was ludicrous. Also, as someone else on here pointed out recently - fucking frumpy Maggie Gyllenhaal being this prize that the main characters were desperately trying to get is laughable.

I always remember Kevin Smith comparing it to Godfather Part 2 at the time. As if any more evidence of what a faggot that guy is was needed.


I'm ray wilson!
platoon. I've seen people argue that it's better than apocalypse now, which I would debate is the greatest film ever made, and I genuinely don't understand how. I was actually shocked by just how 'okay' the movie was, given that I've always seen it championed as an all time classic
I'm not kidding when I say this. The only Batman that I liked was the original Michael Keaton one. My friends think I'm nuts. I do like the joker as the character. What's his face? Played him well but the plot of the movie and then trying to tell me that melted turtle was antiquote the joker beautiful is insanity and took me right out of the movie
my favourite batman is the one in those arkham video games. I think that character is way more interesting when he's a stoic, morally infallible machine. I don't know why the movies insist on making him emo all the time


Still spreading the O&A virus
platoon. I've seen people argue that it's better than apocalypse now, which I would debate is the greatest film ever made, and I genuinely don't understand how. I was actually shocked by just how 'okay' the movie was, given that I've always seen it championed as an all time classic
Casualties of War is the best authentic Vietnam film. And it's based on a verified story. Platoon is just imaginary nonsense but goes into 'tried too hard' territory. A similar film from another war is Jarhead.

And stuff like Full Metal Jacket or Apocalypse Now are obviously meant to be historical fiction and cinema like The Godfather. Great films but obviously not shooting for realism. They almost had Vincent Dononfrio play Animal Mother like how in the books Private Pyle gets resurrected but it was too ridiculous.


Stand Alone Fruit
Any Nolan is overrated per se.
Also, James Cameron is a tad overrated. T2 is not that good.
With Cameron it’s more he knows what makes money and not so much critical acclaim. He makes enjoyable “popcorn” movies but nothing more. Really he’s just like Michael Bay who is seen as a joke yet his movies made money. I also think a lot of Cameron’s acclaim is he came out in the 80s before critics really became insufferable like they are now. Same with Spielberg - critics used to tell you they liked the movie and it was entertaining even if it’s not going to get nominated for Oscar’s.