WWAW men without beards being weak faggots?



Beards are for fags, where are we at with the mustache?

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I’m all in with the pussy tickler!



I hate when guys make having a beard a personality trait. I used to work with a guy who wore beard related t-shirts everyday. One of them said if your boyfriend doesn't have a beard he's your girlfriend. Mega cringe.
Those guys who manicure their beards like its a cuppola/horticulture. YIKH

Or how about the soy fags with no jaw and combine the beard with an SS haircut.


Which way?! Medium or well done?
I do absolutely rock the weeklong vacation stubble-transitioning-into beard look though when not at work. It lets everyone know you can grow a full beard but choose not to.

It's also the look women prefer the most.

I'm sure some of our many female posters here can back that up.

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
The modern gelded male does tend to grow a beard as a substitute for the total absence of any other masculine traits. Instead of self-sufficiency, work ethic, stoicism, leadership and virility we’re instead sold the “Ron Swanson” cheap imitation of manhood by the kike media… Eat bacon! Grow a beard! Drink whiskey! Own masculine props like buck knives which will sit unused in your bedroom rather than serving it’s actual function of dressing a deer or fileting a fish. Like most things in modern America it’s all just a crude mockery of the real thing

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
The modern gelded male does tend to grow a beard as a substitute for the total absence of any other masculine traits. Instead of self-sufficiency, work ethic, stoicism, leadership and virility we’re instead sold the “Ron Swanson” cheap imitation of manhood by the kike media… Eat bacon! Grow a beard! Drink whiskey! Own masculine props like buck knives which will sit unused in your bedroom rather than serving it’s actual function of dressing a deer or fileting a fish. Like most things in modern America it’s all just a crude mockery of the real thing
Went to school with this guy. He's really good people. But he started this WEIRD men cult that, I don't know, dude. It's either super masculine or super gay. I don't know what a real "man" is anymore.
