WWAW lifting weights


"... radio's most notorious shock jock."
I do about 15 sets of 2 minutes jump rope skipping, then reverse abs (to protect my lower back) and 10 minute sets of heavy bag (first "cardio mode" and then heavy blows).

Have stayed 170 for years while mantaining the same body fat percentage as in my teens.


Let's see some of that impressive physique, guys
I do upper body and lower body every day but I split it up in 3 days. Monday is anterior or front of the body so upper on that day is just pushing motions (bench/overhead press) and lower is squats (quads are on the front of the body) Wednesday is posterior or back of the body so upper body on that day is pulling exercises (rows, pull ups or lat pull-down) and lower is deadlifts. Then on Friday it's both those days combined


Still spreading the O&A virus
I can't fucking believe how expensive weight sets are now. You would think America is the fitness center of the world based on the prices I just paid for a dumbbell set and another bench. I remember 20 years ago practically buying a home gym for less now that I just paid for a handful of weights. And no local store near me sells weights anymore.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
I do a realtime push-up per point in Madden 2008 on PS2 (all-pro, 7 minute quarters) and it's not like i'm trying to score quick the whole time with passing, I strive to make my offense #1 in the league for Passing AND Rushing.
On-side kicks are a must but truly are not consistent no matter how I aim and adjust power.
Usually get to 100+ push ups over the course of the hour long game...

the 25 situps every quarter is brutal

I hope someone finds this so stupid that it's funny because I did do this back when I was in shape without a real work out


I have a face like a shovel
After i thought he was a faggot for bailing on scout camp, my son really redeemed himself at the gym. He goes so hard on the squat and deadlift I have to stop him so he doesn’t get hurt.
this is great to hear

please tell him to avoid leg pressing (because leg presses are bullshit), and work on his ankle, and thoracic mobility

when I was a young lad, I only wish I didn't discount how important mobility is.....then again, we called it "stretching" back then


I took weight training as an elective in 10th and 11th grade so I'm pretty much an authority figure in this matter. So if you ever need a question answered, don't come to me, just remember to eat a fuck load of peanut butter sandwiches and do weighted pullups.