WWAW lifting weights

What's a good regiment if I'm starting from pretty much zero? I don't even care so much about looking good, I just want to get my functional strength back so my posture and shit doesn't keep devolving (my core is garbage and everything is compensating because of it)

If I can avoid a gym all the better.


What's a good regiment if I'm starting from pretty much zero? I don't even care so much about looking good, I just want to get my functional strength back so my posture and shit doesn't keep devolving (my core is garbage and everything is compensating because of it)

If I can avoid a gym all the better.
Get a real job


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
I got a few lbs left to lose but when I hit my target weight I want to incorporate a weight regimen. I’m on time to be there right when winter starts here in Poland so it’ll be a good way to keep active.

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
What's a good regiment if I'm starting from pretty much zero? I don't even care so much about looking good, I just want to get my functional strength back so my posture and shit doesn't keep devolving (my core is garbage and everything is compensating because of it)

If I can avoid a gym all the better.
Man I love this StrongLifts 5x5 app because it automates everything and I don’t have to think. I just show up and do what the app says.

Just start at literally the bar, lock the form in, and you will go up like 60lbs a month on every lift until you run up against your diet or genetics


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
I try to go three times a week, and do 20,000 jumps on the jump rope.

I got 27 days left with my gay ass jew masters degree and I want to up it to 4 days a week and more push ups and sit ups.
I’m thinking about getting into jumping rope or at least incorporating it into my jogging routine. How do you like it and how hard is it to be decent at it? I jump rope like a middle school Faggot


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
I don't know whats wrong with me, I keep waking up at 1:45 am to 2:30 am every fucking day. fucking killing me. Guess no gym this week.
I got a few lbs left to lose but when I hit my target weight I want to incorporate a weight regimen. I’m on time to be there right when winter starts here in Poland so it’ll be a good way to keep active.
Why wait? You’re probably losing muscle weight by not doing any weights. Plus weight training increases calorie burn during rest periods
What's a good regiment if I'm starting from pretty much zero? I don't even care so much about looking good, I just want to get my functional strength back so my posture and shit doesn't keep devolving (my core is garbage and everything is compensating because of it)

If I can avoid a gym all the better.
Search ‘coolcicada ppl’, that’s my recommendation.

By far the most enjoyable and simple routines I’ve ever tried.

Also if you’re starting out you should go hard on the protein and aim for 2g per lb you weigh. I read that people new to weights have a big advantage on growth compared to long timers so you might as well take advantage of it. It won’t make you massive but definitely worth taking advantage of. Eventually taper down to at least 1g protein Per lb.

You should also not switch your diet up instantly, and gradually over a couple weeks adjust. I don’t know much about this part but I’ve read instant switches in diet can be counter productive