WWAW da high school reunions?

"Andyyyyyyy" whined Andy Espresso's underage girlfriend. "Why do we have to be here? I haven't even graduated from high school yet and I'm at a reunion? It's really weird and creepy."

"Shut the fuck up, meat sack. Just act sexy, is that too much to fucking ask? God, fucking women, man" slurred the already-drunk closet queen.

"But you said you had some coke. Do you? C'mon, gimme some" she bitched, popping her chewing gum like a child.

"Later, rot bung cunt whore. Now just follow my lead, you worthless twat."

"See? I told you to dress nice, look how well everyone's dressed here, and you're wearing two shirts and jeans with holes in the knees."

"Fuck that, why should I be uncomfortable?" sneered Andy. "I wore these clothes at my mother's funeral, and if they're good enough for that, they're good enough for this."

"Andy? Andy Espresso, right? Hey, man, how ya doing? It's me, Jack Mehoff, I used to buy that shitty Mexican dirt weed from your brother! Nice to see ya, man!"

"Oh, hey, how's it going? So what do you think of my date? Pretty fucking young, right? This is the kind of tail I pull these days, young, fresh, tight puss, not like these old cellulite-ridden meat hags here."

"Oh, yeah, uh, I thought that was your daughter or something. Uh, good to see you, man." said Jack, as he slowly edged away from the hideous ghoul.

"DAUGHTER! HAHAHAHOLEESHIT! IMAGINE IF I...WAS FUCKING...MY OWN DAUGHTER! HAHAHA!" screeched the pockmarked pervert. Andy scanned the room, and noticed how all the women were shooting him angry, disgusted glares. "Hahaha! Fucking old bags! Look how jealous they all are! They're wondering how I, Andy Espresso, the guy who failed gym, is able to pull teen clam like it's nothing!" he mused. "Every guy here wishes he was with my seventeen year old girlfriend! That's right, faggots, I...am FUCKING...a girl young enough to be my daughter! HahahaHOLEEEEEEEEEESHIT!" thought the deviant. "That's right, you pieces of shit. You all thought you were so cool back in high school, but now I, Andy Espresso, am a HUGE radio superstar, and nothing will EVER happen that'll change that!".