WWAW da high school reunions?


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Too wordy. Just say "blacks don't have 10 year reunions because they die before 25"
If only they did, sir.

The buffoonish apes here really wanted to do a class cruise. Like yeah, you niggers can cruise back to africa.

My point was that blacks are poor and stupid, financially irresponsible, and gaslit by the kike media that they're not literally pickininnies, sheboons and savages.

Imagine spending money to be trapped on a boat with stinking niggers you have to get up early irl to avoid while shopping.


If only they did, sir.

The buffoonish apes here really wanted to do a class cruise. Like yeah, you niggers can cruise back to africa.

My point was that blacks are poor and stupid, financially irresponsible, and gaslit by the kike media that they're not literally pickininnies, sheboons and savages.

Imagine spending money to be trapped on a boat with stinking niggers you have to get up early irl to avoid while shopping.

More words please


My 25 would have been this summer probably. No idea if they had one or not since I’ve never had a Facebook account and I assume that’s the way they would handle it. I’m in touch with about 4 dudes from my class still and that’s plenty tbqhwy.

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
My 20th was last month I guess? the planning and info was all through Jewbook, and I only have jewbook chat app. Haven't opened my profile in years at this point.

Last year, this chic died by OD'ing. It was funny because she left her 3 kids by themself to go get high with a nigger in Flint Michigan. lol. She OD and he got scared and ditched her in some woods. LMAO!

I really just wanted to go and make jokes about that whole thing lol.

I really could care less to see anyone I went to school with.

Jew Book made me hate most of the people in my life. thank you, CIA.


My 10 year reunion got owned by the plandemic. I don't think many people cared anyway. It's been 10 years, most of them haven't really changed or progressed much. I've kept in touch with the handful I like/care about, and the rest can fuck off. Didn't like them then, I can't imagine that would change. What, are they gonna tell me something funny or interesting?