WWAW cigarettes?


Massachusetts State Senator
Dude, kids barely have PE anymore. It's a fucking barren wasteland of fatties out there. My daughter is a Junior and she hasn't had any physical activity class since like 7th grade. She had PE in 9th grade when it was faggot ass lockdown shit and didn't do shit the whole time. PE should be every day in every grade.
I didn't have to take PE in high school because I was a nerd who liked books so I got to hang out with the Headmaster in his office instead of failing gym because I refused to run. Shockingly I'm not fat but it's because I abuse amphetamines.


No, child. Smoking a "fag". Clear enough?

I get ya!


Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
It really does fucking rule. I'm also pretty skeptical that it causes cancer. I don't have anything to back this up. Three of my grandparents had lung cancer but really that's their fawkin problem to be honest witchu.
I think it's the chemicals they add, not the tobacco or nicotine itself. The Injuns smoked this shit and lived until 100+.

Uncle Ruckus

Daniel Mullen from insightsoftware is a pedophile
They're gay. I've never gotten a buzz off them and they just hurt your lungs. I had to hit my friend's concentrated nicotine vape pen to even feel a small buzz and it lasted for 5 minutes and sucked.

Weed exists, why even bother with tobacco?


I had to hit my friend's concentrated nicotine vape pen to even feel a small buzz and it lasted for 5 minutes and sucked.

Weed exists, why even bother with tobacco?

Why do you talk like some kind of asshole?

why does it suck? cause sosa said so?

topic change

wwaw da disposable fruity vapes? i got one for free and it's pretty good. just gettin buzzed, no tar, fuckinvapinandchilllindassabesttho


Pay attention to how nervous I am
Why do you talk like some kind of asshole?

why does it suck? cause sosa said so?

topic change

wwaw da disposable fruity vapes? i got one for free and it's pretty good. just gettin buzzed, no tar, fuckinvapinandchilllindassabesttho
no tar but that goop is flavored with all sorts of shit not approved for inhalation and every one of the atomizers is made of gook metal and ceramic of questionable quality. you're probably vaping all sorts of heavy metal (dvv dvv) and other nonsense.


I'm a faggot vaper now but there's upsides - working with your hands? Have a quick blast and put it away. Don't want to smell like shit? You won't. It's pouring rain? Doesn't fucking matter - haul away. I'll be damned if I give up nicotine. I'll still smoke a dart when I get to work while I finish up my first coffee, though.