WWAW cigarettes?


The Backbone of America
They suck and it's a retarded money waste. I don't smoke as much as most smokers, I go through a couple packs a week, but it's enough that I wish I wasn't addicted to the fucking things. I don't enjoy it I just need to do it now. Actually, I never enjoyed it. The first time I stole smokes off my dad I smoked two back to back and had to shit and puke at the same time. The same thing happened when I tried chewing tobacco in grade 9. I think I swallowed a bit and I had to sit on the toilet spraying shit while puking in a bucket.


Bought a pack this weekend for the first time in years and sucked them all down in a couple days. Remembered how PFG these things are but I'm not making it a habit again. Nothing like a good smoke when your buzzed


They suck and it's a retarded money waste. I don't smoke as much as most smokers, I go through a couple packs a week, but it's enough that I wish I wasn't addicted to the fucking things. I don't enjoy it I just need to do it now. Actually, I never enjoyed it. The first time I stole smokes off my dad I smoked two back to back and had to shit and puke at the same time. The same thing happened when I tried chewing tobacco in grade 9. I think I swallowed a bit and I had to sit on the toilet spraying shit while puking in a bucket.
When I was a freshman in high school I got bumped up the next level to play a game with the big boys. They were all passing around dip before the game and I didn't want to look like a pussy. I did it wrong and got all pale and sick.

Hit a triple my first at bat because my only thought was trying not to puke on the field. PFG memory to be honest witchya


buck breaker supreme
i like to smoke on occasion. i'm ghetto so I smoke menthols (it's usually the only type they sell loosies for at the corner store). woudn't consider myself that heavy of a smoker though. when I buy a pack, it can last about a week or two.

a cig in the morning with my coffee or after dinner is great. at some point i get sick of the taste and stop for a few weeks/months at a time.


Great food
Quit a couple years ago. They smell like total shit to me now. Kamel Red Lights used to smoke pretty good though.

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These were pretty good and were my regular smoke for a little while. I smoked off and on for about twenty years, with my preferred brands towards the end being most anything non-filtered or American Spirits. Also rolled my own for a little bit. I quit a few years ago without issue and don't miss it. Ripping butts as a middle aged adult feels really trashy, stick to it when you're young.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
They make you look cool as fuck
Case in point.

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Massachusetts State Senator
These were pretty good and were my regular smoke for a little while. I smoked off and on for about twenty years, with my preferred brands towards the end being most anything non-filtered or American Spirits. Also rolled my own for a little bit. I quit a few years ago without issue and don't miss it. Ripping butts as a middle aged adult feels really trashy, stick to it when you're young.
32 is still young right?!

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
Isn't that shit for like 5th grade girls?

Dude, kids barely have PE anymore. It's a fucking barren wasteland of fatties out there. My daughter is a Junior and she hasn't had any physical activity class since like 7th grade. She had PE in 9th grade when it was faggot ass lockdown shit and didn't do shit the whole time. PE should be every day in every grade.