WWAW Bobby Lee being a cuckold?



She seems like a real battle-axe. I tell ya folks, before i met my wife i always felt incomplete, now im finished.

Or, simply never AGREE to a fawkin open relationship and force the bitch to cheat or do it on the sly...
There's no such thing as an "open relationship". It's almost always the woman's idea, and 100% of those women are disgusting penis-starved whores. And if you're paying the freight for some penis-starved whore and you're not supplying 100% of the penis, you're just a hapless retard.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
Everyone saw this coming when he first got with Khalya. She is obviously with him to leech of his fame and contributes fucking nothing to his podcast. The dumb bitch started fake crying when the whole George Floyd protests were going on and was saying racist jokes are never okay. She also talks down to Bobby Lee and admitted being a coalburner.

Brandon Schlub most likely fucked her, even if she recently threw him under the bus. And there are rumours that she flies out frequently to meet some guy she’s been fucking for years that Bobby knows about.

I have no sympathy for the little creep, the writing was on the wall and if he wants to be a cuck so be it.. she will leave him eventually though and he will probably break down and start smoking meth again.


"Now put ice skates on dat bich." Peppermint

Fucking hate that gay little cuck Chink Norton, he even raped an underage girl. He goes and makes that tinder whore famous. She is an asian third world 5 at best. A mudshark that admitted to living with two boyfriends before moving in with the chink. She will leave him after the 5 years are up you can tell now the dumb bitch is adding her last name on podcast and of course its as chinky as ever "Kuhn" :image_9254:

The idiot who talks to much Brencia Shaub even fucked her and walked her to his car. Bobby is a little bitch and should be ashamed.

Bobby hasn't fucked her in over a year they say so it has to be more than that.

Fucking Bobby L Tomlinson.
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