Hello everyone, this is Running On Torquie... Saauullll review!
I fucking laughed at the opening. Another shitty "artistic" mysterious cold open with no dialogue. To its credit, it actually worked in hindsight, but it would've been more impactful if they hadn't done 1000 of those previously.
No tension whatsoever throughout the episode. Wow, how is Gus gonna get out of this one?!
The scene at the end with Howard's burial was sad/emotionally impactful, I will give them that. 1 good scene.
The stupid scene with the dorky chicken worker fucking sucked. It's just for reddit to go, "lol so wacky!

" and get their le upvotes. Same with that other dorky lawyer character who is always using the vending machine. On reddit there will be some gay thread like "the REAL hero of tonight's episode..." (because he managed the store for Gus).