Would you ever vote independent / third party?


Stand Alone Fruit
This year I probably will - just pisses me off they changed the rules to made sure no third party will ever get a chance (media won’t cover them, won’t allow them to debate with the rep & Dem, etc) after Ross Perot. Whatever side thinks the third party will hurt their candidate (split the votes) are the ones I always see shaming people for voting third party and say they’re stupid & selfish for doing it. I’ve already seen the DNC paid shills on twitter crying that you’re a traitor to America if you even THINK about voting third party. These types cry EVERYONE VOTE! but also NO, NOT FOR THAT ONE!


Stand Alone Fruit
An independent could never win a Presidental election due to how the electoral college works. But independent candidates for congress or governor have a far better chance due to only needing to receive a majority of the votes. Such as…..


That’s an actual Ventura quote


The gunslinger.
I've voted third party in gubernatorial races before, because both candidates were fucking awful.

It's fun to see them get like 900 votes, and know that you're one of 900 people who said "fuck this guy, and also fuck that guy, I'm gonna vote for this fellow I've never heard of"

Vote for trump even it’s justified solely to spite faggots like @Jenna or Patrick


I was reading articles how liberals are threatening to not vote for Biden because of his stance with Gaza. Which is all a bunch of empty threats to get noticed. We've seen this song and dance before. In the end of the day, they'll come around just like the Bernie Bros did.

And admittedly Im the same way. Trump is a corrupt and incompetent piece of human garbage, who will probably leave this country worse off. But.... I really hate Biden's policies.


The gunslinger.
I was reading articles how liberals are threatening to not vote for Biden because of his stance with Gaza. Which is all a bunch of empty threats to get noticed. We've seen this song and dance before. In the end of the day, they'll come around just like the Bernie Bros did.

And admittedly Im the same way. Trump is a corrupt and incompetent piece of human garbage, who will probably leave this country worse off. But.... I really hate Biden's policies.

I’ve got greats news, they don’t need to vote for Biden for their votes to get counted for him!

Using this one trick they DON’T want you to know! It’s called mail in voting fraud and it’s stopping fascism!


Stand Alone Fruit
I saw liberals are fawning over dopey Biden going on Seth Meyers last night to show he’s “with it” and they did the most softball of all softball interviews and he still sounded like a mess. It’s pretty gross - Seth Meyers is barely able to contain his excitement the whole time asking the well rehearsed questions to Biden about Taylor swift and dark Brandon memes. The only time I’ve seen such a softball / rehearsed interview before was when Colbert interview stroke victim John Fetterman