Worst O&A Guests


don't call me scarface
Also revealed on LOS: DeRosa calls Ron Bennington on the phone asking for advice and Ronnie B deliberately encourages him to make an ass of himself.

It's great how DeRosa was a punching bag on O&A when he was young, and now that he's old the new show LOS still bullies him.
He gets bullied any time he's on Matt and Shane's secret podcast


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Any MMA fighter - especially the one guy who was the first champ everyone knew, he was a bore and his nose was so fucked up you could hear him breathing.
Pornstars- only because they would simp over them
That insult comic- I forget his name a young decent looking dude who did not fit with the show at all I'm not even sure he's still doing comedy
Mike Birbiglia and Tom Papa - nice enough guys but not for the show.
Any celebrity on to promote something who had no idea who OnA are.


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
- Brother Wease. Awful smug cocksucker kike. Opie's friend so everyone had to be nice to him. Repeatedly protested that Terry Clifford should have been off limits which made the pests annoyed enough to continually harass her instead. The chatrooms would flood pro cancer messages hoping Wease would drop dead on air from his sinus cancer.

- Ira the Weatherman. His entire existence proves the Nazis were right.

- Amy Schumer. Did not fit in with the vibe of the show at all and you could tell she was just there for plugs or promotion. One of those guests that Norton would bring on to the show to further his career.

- Basil T's Restaurant. These faggots would constantly bring food to the show in exchange for plugs. Would bring the show to a dead halt so everyone in studio could pig out like fat pathetic losers. Obese monstrosity Roland would bring other food whores to the show as well.

- Michio Kaku or Nigger DeGrasse Tyson. Wormy freemasonic faggots worshiping "science" like a religion. Their segments were an instant skip.

- Dana White. Was literally just there to plug some UFC gig in exchange for Norton getting tickets. Would do phoners that would bring the show to a dead halt. You could almost put any UFC fighter in this space as well.

- Bonnie MacFarlane. Without Rich to write her jokes or set her up she would bomb every single time. Would repeatedly say to the room "women are funny, right?" forcing people to respond "yes". Was angry over 'retard' jokes being told on the show because she has a retarded sister.

- Tom Chiusano. A radio fossil that sucked the life out of everything he touched.

- 9/11 conspiracy theory guests. Not because they were wrong. But because of how the show handled them. Screaming at them, the constant lowering of their mics, name calling and ranting from O&A, and wasting the time of the audience.
Tom Chiusano wasn't bad when he was talking about his love of his birds then jimmy chiming in on bad things happening to them


looking for a vehicle
Also revealed on LOS: DeRosa calls Ron Bennington on the phone asking for advice and Ronnie B deliberately encourages him to make an ass of himself.

It's great how DeRosa was a punching bag on O&A when he was young, and now that he's old the new show LOS still bullies him.
"Well budday I tell you what, I think you ought to do like Bert Kreischer and show the audience your titsssss."