Worst O&A Guests


I was only jokin'
Mike Baker the CIA spook. Yeah he's really going to give you the goods on what's going on. Fucking bore. If you're going to make me sit through propaganda, at least make it funny or interesting. PU. Their politics and world events breaks were absolute dogshit.

Kevin Smith's sleepy, fat "dudeweed" energy was always a guaranteed snoozefest.

Kevin Pollak: boring hacky Hollywood heeb. I remember hearing a clip of his standup on RawDog back then and it was literally "women do be shopping." Stinks.

Joel McHale: uninteresting, middle-of-the-road faggot that adds nothing. Same with homo Tom Papa. How are you gonna be the Marriage Ref when you talk like you blow guys at rest stops?


I was only jokin'
- Michio Kaku or Nigger DeGrasse Tyson. Wormy freemasonic faggots worshiping "science" like a religion. Their segments were an instant skip.
Agree 100%. The way they fellated these frauds like they were true geniuses makes sick. Same with Norton talking with certainty about "the future" (AKA repeating shit he saw on a Time Magazine cover or that Ray Kurzweil said). If they were still on, I'm sure they'd be kissing the ass of Yuval Noah Harari or some other WEF con man.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Mike Baker the CIA spook. Yeah he's really going to give you the goods on what's going on.
Mike Baker was never in the field or an operator. He was a guy who wrote press releases for the CIA. He was so incompetent that the fake Roland twitter account got him fooled into thinking he was booked on O&A and he actually showed up to the studio thinking his segment was coming up. He legit thought that O&A booked their guests through twitter and so when the fake Roland account contacted him inviting him on the air he showed up like an idiot.

That was what ended up Sirius shutting down the fake Roland account. Because the guy running it proved he could book guests on the show and even get hem past Sirius security.


junkie idiot 😘
Mike Baker the CIA spook. Yeah he's really going to give you the goods on what's going on. Fucking bore. If you're going to make me sit through propaganda, at least make it funny or interesting. PU. Their politics and world events breaks were absolute dogshit.

Kevin Smith's sleepy, fat "dudeweed" energy was always a guaranteed snoozefest.

Kevin Pollak: boring hacky Hollywood heeb. I remember hearing a clip of his standup on RawDog back then and it was literally "women do be shopping." Stinks.

Joel McHale: uninteresting, middle-of-the-road faggot that adds nothing. Same with homo Tom Papa. How are you gonna be the Marriage Ref when you talk like you blow guys at rest stops?
Kevin Smith did a phoner that resulted in an hour long Steve C fight with the staff. “Kevin, you still there?” “Yeah” so he’ll always have my respect for that. I overall liked him on the show. Agreed on the Kevin Pollack, he comes off like a d bag.


Kevin Smith did a phoner that resulted in an hour long Steve C fight with the staff. “Kevin, you still there?” “Yeah” so he’ll always have my respect for that. I overall liked him on the show. Agreed on the Kevin Pollack, he comes off like a d bag.
My brother got me into the show back in 2007 and this was the clip he played me along with this.

I remember howling at both when I was younger. Haven't listened to those in forever and would rather remember it being funny then just another thing I hate now.
Speaking of Derosa, someone uploaded some of the first episodes of LOS on youtube and on one of them they talked about how when he started hanging out with the tough crowd crew he’d get so upset with the trashings that he’d leave the room crying lol. He was never fit for that world. Worst guest off the top of my head is jason ellis. But in terms of the regulars louis ck became pretty insufferable in the later years too.
I despise Jason Ellis. Glad he lost his unlistenable Sirius show, his whore wife left him, and he’s sucking cocks for spare change.


- Brother Wease. Awful smug cocksucker kike. Opie's friend so everyone had to be nice to him. Repeatedly protested that Terry Clifford should have been off limits which made the pests annoyed enough to continually harass her instead. The chatrooms would flood pro cancer messages hoping Wease would drop dead on air from his sinus cancer.

- Ira the Weatherman. His entire existence proves the Nazis were right.

- Amy Schumer. Did not fit in with the vibe of the show at all and you could tell she was just there for plugs or promotion. One of those guests that Norton would bring on to the show to further his career.

- Basil T's Restaurant. These faggots would constantly bring food to the show in exchange for plugs. Would bring the show to a dead halt so everyone in studio could pig out like fat pathetic losers. Obese monstrosity Roland would bring other food whores to the show as well.

- Michio Kaku or Nigger DeGrasse Tyson. Wormy freemasonic faggots worshiping "science" like a religion. Their segments were an instant skip.

- Dana White. Was literally just there to plug some UFC gig in exchange for Norton getting tickets. Would do phoners that would bring the show to a dead halt. You could almost put any UFC fighter in this space as well.

- Bonnie MacFarlane. Without Rich to write her jokes or set her up she would bomb every single time. Would repeatedly say to the room "women are funny, right?" forcing people to respond "yes". Was angry over 'retard' jokes being told on the show because she has a retarded sister.

- Tom Chiusano. A radio fossil that sucked the life out of everything he touched.

- 9/11 conspiracy theory guests. Not because they were wrong. But because of how the show handled them. Screaming at them, the constant lowering of their mics, name calling and ranting from O&A, and wasting the time of the audience.
I think Ira was from coop city. Wonder if he knew son of sam..
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Powdered Toast Man
JBL was pretty great in that appearance with Vos. “I’m the hack and you’re playing Scrabble live on the air?”
That is probably my all-time favorite show. For one thing Worm says basically nothing the entire time because he’s too busy broooding over losing a Scrabble game live on-air to Vos. So happy the little hack got humiliated that day. :brothaman_sm:

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Kevin Smith's sleepy, fat "dudeweed" energy was always a guaranteed snoozefest.
I'm saying it right now: Kevin Smith is THE ABSOLUTE WORST guest they ever had, not because he had appearances that were legitimately bad (they were in my book) but he didn't fit the show, he wasn't funny, and the boys kissed his ass because he's famous.

I'm so glad that not only people I didn't hate wind up revealing themselves as hateable or at least humiliated themselves, but that people I always kinda detested did. Kevin Smith is a PC crybaby fat faggot and his movies are grossly overrated by his fans -- he shouldn't have a fan base at all! He did a similar thing to O&A (but especially Nana) by catering to fans by gatherings and whatnot. Nobody who is truly successful hangs out with their fans or people who consume their shit. I don't hang out with rockstars or winemakers, for example.


junkie idiot 😘
I'm saying it right now: Kevin Smith is THE ABSOLUTE WORST guest they ever had, not because he had appearances that were legitimately bad (they were in my book) but he didn't fit the show, he wasn't funny, and the boys kissed his ass because he's famous.

I'm so glad that not only people I didn't hate wind up revealing themselves as hateable or at least humiliated themselves, but that people I always kinda detested did. Kevin Smith is a PC crybaby fat faggot and his movies are grossly overrated by his fans -- he shouldn't have a fan base at all! He did a similar thing to O&A (but especially Nana) by catering to fans by gatherings and whatnot. Nobody who is truly successful hangs out with their fans or people who consume their shit. I don't hang out with rockstars or winemakers, for example.
Clerks 2 is hilarious. Cop Out is underrated. Crying over superhero movies is gay so it’s a tough one, man.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Clerks 2 is hilarious. Cop Out is underrated. Crying over superhero movies is gay so it’s a tough one, man.
I genuinely like Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back because it's totally silly and didn't have any real heartfelt moments, or was light on it.

Clerks 2 I liked as a teen, but I wouldn't watch it now. Cop Out was okay but I didn't even consider it a Kevin Smith movie, it was generic and got a few laughs in the theatre.

The rest is shit, including the first Clerks. It was a good indie film, not good otherwise. "haha snowballing lol"


Mike Baker the CIA spook. Yeah he's really going to give you the goods on what's going on. Fucking bore. If you're going to make me sit through propaganda, at least make it funny or interesting. PU. Their politics and world events breaks were absolute dogshit.

Kevin Smith's sleepy, fat "dudeweed" energy was always a guaranteed snoozefest.

Kevin Pollak: boring hacky Hollywood heeb. I remember hearing a clip of his standup on RawDog back then and it was literally "women do be shopping." Stinks.

Joel McHale: uninteresting, middle-of-the-road faggot that adds nothing. Same with homo Tom Papa. How are you gonna be the Marriage Ref when you talk like you blow guys at rest stops?
I liked that Pollack hated Sam and Sam's family