Why should I give a fuck about rich dead faggots?


Nah man we all have struggles man you need to have more empathy man I mean didn’t we all smoke crack and inject heroin and appear in places completely fucked up to the point you can’t do your job and your drug benders cause you to assault people and then you die from alcohol intoxication?

It can happen to the best of us ok. She was an angel. A saint.
Just don't make fun of kratom. That shit's no joke.

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
My view is that it depends what you do; did you lie/steal? If yes then I'm pretty hard-lined... although the sarcasm few comments above me feels more hard-lined since I only robbed myself. Kinda hurt. I'm over it.
Unquestionably if you are being a drug addict you are committing an economic and a moral sin even if you are “functioning”. There is no such thing as only harming yourself.

1) you’re directly contributing to a system that destroys other people’s lives - and their family’s - through addiction, crime, violence, murder, criminal penalties.

The money you funnel into this system could also be used to directly benefit the lives of the people close to you, barring that, a charity, or even just a legal business enterprise.

2) you’re depriving the world, yourself, and your immediate relationships from the best version of yourself. Every minute spent on acquiring drugs, being high, dealing with the consequences of drugs - is a minute that could have been put to a non-hedonistic pursuit.

“No man is an island”

Don’t take it as a personal slight, I wasted a decade of my life that I can never get back.
They destroyed hair metal and basically ushered in the sound of the 90s. I agree with all the crybaby junky faggotry. And I'll even give you that Cobain was a shit tier lyricist almost on the level of ozzy Osborne in terms of shitty, lazy, rhyming disguised as deep commentary on society. But before Kurt died he was already insanely famous. Nevermind is an incredible album and I think it deserves the praise it gets. Is biggie more highly rated cuz he died young? Sure. Doesn't mean ready to die isn't a classic album.

They definitely weren't the first grunge band and all the other good ones popped off around the same time. But I do give Kurt credit for taking care of his friends in the scene who's art he appreciated (he always hyped up the melvins, he was good friends with Mark lanegan from screaming trees) but the public overlooked.

Yeah but Metallica, it turns out, were always a bunch of faggots. If Kurt Cobain didn't give them the excuse, they'd have found another reason to make dogshit albums.
Unquestionably if you are being a drug addict you are committing an economic and a moral sin even if you are “functioning”.

1) you’re directly contributing to a system that destroys other people’s lives - and their family’s - through addiction, crime, violence, murder, criminal penalties.

The money you funnel into this system could also be used to directly benefit the lives of the people close to you, barring that, a charity, or even just a legal business enterprise.

2) you’re depriving the world, yourself, and your immediate relationships from the best version of yourself. Every minute spent on acquiring drugs, being high, dealing with the consequences of drugs - is a minute that could have been put to a non-hedonistic pursuit.
my only question would be is 'how much of this harm is due to the illegallity as opposed to the use itself'?

I'll give an example: I could have a life's worth of heroin moved to me tomorrow - I've got the guys, the logistics, & the 1week's earnings it'd take.
Obviously I'd never do this, but the only harm I've seen is from inflated prices, restricted routes/supply, etc.
So does the harm come with use or illegality?

Sidenote: I want everyone to be happy in their soul without any medicine or whatever, & reach their best.


Dirty Bastard
In rehab they tell you this isn’t true over and over, but that’s just so you don’t kill yourself or give up hope.

I consider it a moral failing for probably 90% of all addicts, myself included. There is a small contingent that I will excuse due to extreme mental illness, stupidity, outside influence, etc
A few years ago I used to buy a bottle of morgans spiced rum and drink
Duffy had a song used in Jojo's Bizzare Adventure. We all know who the real winner is.
she’s also still got a pulse


Unquestionably if you are being a drug addict you are committing an economic and a moral sin even if you are “functioning”. There is no such thing as only harming yourself.

1) you’re directly contributing to a system that destroys other people’s lives - and their family’s - through addiction, crime, violence, murder, criminal penalties.

The money you funnel into this system could also be used to directly benefit the lives of the people close to you, barring that, a charity, or even just a legal business enterprise.

2) you’re depriving the world, yourself, and your immediate relationships from the best version of yourself. Every minute spent on acquiring drugs, being high, dealing with the consequences of drugs - is a minute that could have been put to a non-hedonistic pursuit.

“No man is an island”

Don’t take it as a personal slight, I wasted a decade of my life that I can never get back.
This applies to cigarettes, beer and junk food too...good post brotherman


btw, this is Courtney Love's childhood pic...


"A BOY" -Coonskin, 2022

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
hey faggot, I don't even disagree; I just like people to be capable of explaining their thoughts
i didn’t feel like the question warranted an answer because it shifted the topic from the reality of the situation to a discussion about decriminalization.

It doesn’t matter if the harm is from the illegality - right now it IS illegal and that harm exists. We were discussing right now, not a hypothetical “what if”.

And even if “what if it was legal and regulated” existed, it would still be a moral sin exactly the same as being an alcoholic. You’re wasting your potential in a hedonistic pursuit. You’re getting high and running out the clock on life.

Please note that I’m speaking generally here, with a royal “you”, and not critiquing you specifically.

i didn’t feel like the question warranted an answer because it shifted the topic from the reality of the situation to a discussion about decriminalization.

It doesn’t matter if the harm is from the illegality - right now it IS illegal and that harm exists. We were discussing right now, not a hypothetical “what if”.

And even if “what if it was legal and regulated” existed, it would still be a moral sin exactly the same as being an alcoholic. You’re wasting your potential in a hedonistic pursuit. You’re getting high and running out the clock on life.

Please note that I’m speaking generally here, with a royal “you”, and not critiquing you specifically.
I wasn't calling you the F-slur BTW

& that's fair

Sue Lightning

Unquestionably if you are being a drug addict you are committing an economic and a moral sin even if you are “functioning”. There is no such thing as only harming yourself.
There is no such thing as a “functioning addict” either. That distinction is really made so addicts don’t feel like bums and have some weird level of comparison. “Yeah i may be an addict but i’m not that kind of addict.” It seems like functioning is just a codeword for “The damage isn’t noticeable”. It’s like it occurs overtime rather than all at once with an “actual addict”.
Don’t take it as a personal slight, I wasted a decade of my life that I can never get back.
I don’t even know if I would say it’s “wasted”. I was never an “addict” but there was a point where I did addict shit. Between like 15-19 I was doing LSD every week or sometimes day after day. And of course to do that I stole money or lied for it. And from doing this I inevitably permanently fucked up my brain and some relationships. And it may be a giant cope but I don’t look at that time as “wasted” - It’s incredibly valuable as a learning experience. Ok, here is what not to do and exactly why you shouldn’t do it. I also can’t imagine myself getting “addicted” to anything ever again for that exact reason. I see kids my age just starting to try those drugs or drinking and I just know they’re in for like 3 years of the same shit I already dealt with.