Why is this the most overrated movie of all time?? Why???


A circle of N-words
The Dark Knight was ruined by Heath Ledger dying. The movie wraps up with the Joker getting what he wants and Batman losing, but because Ledger died before they could shoot the third movie the story never gets resolved.

The second thing that killed that movie was forcing the audience to accept Maggie Gyllenhaal as this amazing beauty that powerful men wanted. Everyone shits on Katie Holmes' performance in the first one but her being awkward and stiff it actually kind of fits their relationship. Bruce is shown to be a cowardly piece of shit who then runs away and is presumed dead, so when he comes back she doesn't really know what to think of him and they are essentially estranged.
Im so sorry you canT appreciaTe a good seT of Pancake TiTs, baby child.



A circle of N-words


Im so sorry you canT appreciaTe a good seT of Pancake TiTs, baby child.

Appalling. A completely nonsexual being. I'd rather watch her brother fuck the Joker in a tent in Wyoming.


Nowadays the manchildren and soyfaces think every new piece of consumer media is the bees knees. Even the new Top Gun has an 8.6 on IMDB.

For me the most overrated movie lately is Once Upon A Time in Hollywood. Boring trash. Another Tarantino snore fest so he can…show the Manson Family get beat up? Awful.
I can't wait for whatever propaganda piece ends up being his last movie, since he's been living in Israel for two and a half years.


May St. Mel bless you
The second thing that killed that movie was forcing the audience to accept Maggie Gyllenhaal as this amazing beauty that powerful men wanted. Everyone shits on Katie Holmes' performance in the first one but her being awkward and stiff it actually kind of fits their relationship.

Patrice had the same rant. This is why Maggie was so great in The Deuce. She looks just like a used up whore.


Great food
Wwaw with not loving da gene hackman?

He was okay in french connection and the conversation and the thief
But unforgiven, crimson tide, hoosiers, Mississippi burning
Im like: that’s gene hackman playing an actor.

I dont get how people say he’s a master
Even buscemi or bale shit on him frankly
Along those same lines, even though he's entertaining, Brad Pitt always plays Brad Pitt in whatever movie he's in.


Along those same lines, even though he's entertaining, Brad Pitt always plays Brad Pitt in whatever movie he's in.
Fun Fact Thursday Brad Pitt is pretty much always eating when he isnt talking in his movies


I have a face like a shovel
"The Pope of Greenwich Village"

hear me out- it became overrated because of all the jerk offs who would say "duh you know what is an underrated movie- the pope of greenwich village duh".

That movie became overrated from all the mouthbreathing guido "cinephiles" who wouldn't shut the fuck up about it
I hate “most overrated” threads.

“Then why did you comment in one?!”

Because I felt like it. Fuck off.

Yeah I’m talking to myself.


Stand Alone Fruit
Nowadays the manchildren and soyfaces think every new piece of consumer media is the bees knees. Even the new Top Gun has an 8.6 on IMDB.

For me the most overrated movie lately is Once Upon A Time in Hollywood. Boring trash. Another Tarantino snore fest so he can…show the Manson Family get beat up? Awful.
This is very true, I’ve noticed every single marvel sequel in the past 8 years or so is called “THE BEST MARVEL MOVIE YET!” Until the next one comes out, Thor 4 just came out and guess what? It’s the BEST MARVEL MOVIE YET! I guess it’s short attention spans or just movie fans that don’t like movies - just super hero ones.


Access to the Debates
This is very true, I’ve noticed every single marvel sequel in the past 8 years or so is called “THE BEST MARVEL MOVIE YET!” Until the next one comes out, Thor 4 just came out and guess what? It’s the BEST MARVEL MOVIE YET! I guess it’s short attention spans or just movie fans that don’t like movies - just super hero ones.
There is a real defensiveness among that fanbase as well. For whatever reason a lot of them get very upset at the lightest criticism of the movies. I guess that goes for most fanbases though. It’s a weird mentality.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
I couldn't understand so many people heralding it as "The best movie of all time".

That sort of hyperbole pisses me off. Something can't be called "greatest of all time" with that sort of immediacy. The passage of time alone dictates that sort of label. And lo and behold, the movie isn't nearly as talked about now.
Dummy I worked with said that about Wonder Woman AND Captain Marvel. Nobody talks about those two pieces of shit anymore. Hysterical faggot.