Why is this the most overrated movie of all time?? Why???



Batman gets pretty fawkin DARK, maaaan. Just brooding in the Batcave.

I didn't hate it, but the idea of taking some guy in a rubber suit seriously is just too stupid for me.
Reminds me when i (regrettably) watched that daredevil shit on Netflix. He is fighting against people who have been responsible for so much death but he can only bring himself to bonk them on the head with wooden sticks


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
Comic book movies can be well-made, well-acted, entertaining escapist fare, but a fucking Batman movie doesn't belong on any list of the "greatest movies ever". It was fine for what it was and Heath Ledger made a fine Joker, but all things considered, comic book movies are kind of gay and aren't really serious art no matter who stars in them or who directs them.
What about Batwoman?


I was liked it when it came out, but I was the target audience. 16 year old stoner edgelord. By 2012 and the 3rd one, I was completely done with capeshit. I took a little peek at The Dark Knight fairly recently, and couldn't get more than half an hour in. It feels extremely dated. As far as really overrated goes, I'll pick the movie that ripped off TDK constantly and got its balls washed. One of the worst James Bond movies.



Wwaw with not loving da gene hackman?

He was okay in french connection and the conversation and the thief
But unforgiven, crimson tide, hoosiers, Mississippi burning
Im like: that’s gene hackman playing an actor.

I dont get how people say he’s a master
Even buscemi or bale shit on him frankly

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
I couldn't understand so many people heralding it as "The best movie of all time".

That sort of hyperbole pisses me off. Something can't be called "greatest of all time" with that sort of immediacy. The passage of time alone dictates that sort of label. And lo and behold, the movie isn't nearly as talked about now.

Nobody really talks about it because it’s on cable tv every weekend. People realized that it is a boring movie.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
I couldn't understand so many people heralding it as "The best movie of all time".

That sort of hyperbole pisses me off. Something can't be called "greatest of all time" with that sort of immediacy. The passage of time alone dictates that sort of label. And lo and behold, the movie isn't nearly as talked about now.
I remember that fag Kevin Smith saying “it’s a better sequel than Godfather II” when it first came out, which is a really weird comparison to make since they’re nothing alike.

It’s also not true - Batman Begins is a better movie overall. Everyone just jerked themselves off over Heath Ledger’s performance, which was amplified by 10 because he died before it came out.


I never got into it. Saw it opening day and have the same thought of it then as I do now. It's just mediocre but with the sea of shit movies that people watch it's obviously better so people think it's a masterpiece. It's not.
Burton’s Batman is the best. Making Beetlejuice the straight man and who should have been the leading man the Joker was a one of those great swerves you can appreciate.

And one time I saw blimp. Hey, who am I even talking to?


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Its the only superhero movie that transcended capeshit and was an actual decent movie in its own right.
I don’t agree with that at all. To me it can’t decide if it wants to be so it has this weird muddled tone where the villains are all wacky and cartoonish but it tries to have this really dark, serious tone. It just doesn’t work at all.

Also Christian Bale fucking sucks in it as Batman. The fuck is that voice? I don’t remember him doing that in the first.