Why doesn’t rick blog anymore?



His last blog was in april, 2020.

But his most recent activity is responding to a cyberstalker calling out his bullshit gym story in January of 2022.
No money in blogging? Wha happennn




Gym rant:

[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.patrickstomlinson.com/2016/03/02/burn-calories-and-bullies-at-the-gym/#comment-146230[/URL]

Last post:

[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.patrickstomlinson.com/2019/08/23/confronting-jonestown-in-america/[/URL]


Stand Alone Fruit
You know the story is fake because he called it “burn calories and bullies”. He came up with title he thought was clever then made up the rest thinking people wouldn’t see through his obvious bullshit. Funny he “confronted” this big gym bro in defense of the fat lady yet wouldn’t go to a hooligans when BDA said he would be there.


Stand Alone Fruit
That Jonestown blog is a great example of his autism. He wrote that whole blog because he was so upset that a phrase from an event over 40 years went over the heads of anyone under 30. He had a boomer moment where he looked old and out of touch with the younger crowd and instead of saying “wow, showing my age here a bit!” And moving on he instead went into a rage of “I AM NOT OUT OF TOUCH, IT IS YOU THAT MUST BE EDUCATED ON THINGS THAT I WILL REFERENCE! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!”

I’m a couple years younger than Pat and the last time “drinking the kool-aid” was popular was the late 90s with that Heavens Gate cult where they all had the same Nike shoes. There was even a rapper around the mid 2000s named Jim Jones but outside of that it’s not an event still brought up often. But piggy couldn’t handle that.

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
He sorta does, privately. He writes opinion pieces and pitches them to WaPo/NYT/etc. He has adviced his followers on how to do this in some tweet and encourage them to submit pieces.

He realized he can make some beer money if he just gets one of those accepted per year so he doesn't blog for free anymore, besides his blog readers would be 97% just us so he resents that.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
I like how he says that the fictional fat lady is "fucking crushing it", inadvertently fat shaming her.

Also, realistic depiction of how this would have gone down -

"So I got up from my machine and told him, 'Wait right there'. I went to the window for better lighting and quickly snapped a couple of unflattering selfies'. "

And the Jonestown blog - funny how Mr. "Always Right" perpetuates misinformation by failing to mention that Jonestown actually drank Flav - R - Aid instead of the oft-misreported Kool Aid.
Which kinda means that they deserved to die.


He sorta does, privately. He writes opinion pieces and pitches them to WaPo/NYT/etc. He has adviced his followers on how to do this in some tweet and encourage them to submit pieces.

He realized he can make some beer money if he just gets one of those accepted per year so he doesn't blog for free anymore, besides his blog readers would be 97% just us so he resents that.
Has he even gotten one piece published anywhere in recent years? I vaguely remember something about him being in huffpo and vice, but that must have fell through.


I like how he says that the fictional fat lady is "fucking crushing it", inadvertently fat shaming her.

Also, realistic depiction of how this would have gone down -

"So I got up from my machine and told him, 'Wait right there'. I went to the window for better lighting and quickly snapped a couple of unflattering selfies'. "

And the Jonestown blog - funny how Mr. "Always Right" perpetuates misinformation by failing to mention that Jonestown actually drank Flav - R - Aid instead of the oft-misreported Kool Aid.
Which kinda means that they deserved to die.
A lot of people at Jonestown were shot execution style-


Stand Alone Fruit
View attachment 51596

*has problems with the tacit acceptance of unhealthy lifestyles

*posts daily photos of alcohol and disgusting fatty food

*head and belly gets more round by the month
I forgot he said that, this was back when he was just skinny fat and cheating on fun runs. Now he hasn’t even mentioned running in years and has visibly become fat-fat.