Who's smarter, Pat or Joe?



Joe for sure
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Thanks, I was waiting for this cutting edge insight from you, bill


Klacks on block? What is this diaper cum nigger world coming to?
It's for da bit, alrite, I was BLOCKED earlier and decided I needed REVENGE, I get recognized on da subway all da time and some fans were saying that billklaks was bustin my balls alroight, I need to get laid, it's gotta happen, he's a friend of da show , get me some mets tickets alrioght


The gunslinger.
I don't think Joe learned shit. We just took the foot way off the gas and focused on Fatfuck S Tomlinson instead. If we went all in on Joe again I bet you he'd go right back to uncontrollably mooing at us like a geriatric retard.

Let's not forget this is the kind of shit he gets up to

My friend from Reddit texts Joe every now and then, he mostly ignores it but if you’re being playful he is self depreciating, if you’re nice he’s nice and if you’re over the top he blocks you. He’s definitely learned at least some humility and self awareness.


Joe. This sub has mostly moved on from him- all the A+ premium content from here has been at the expense of Pat since late 2019. Joe wisened up.

If someone can find a bigger retard than Pat that could keep this sub going another 5 years after his inevitable heart attack at 42 they deserve to be blown before and after the jacquizzi.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
Easily Joe. Left it alone and made fun of himself several times. When Joe ended a harassing phone call with something like "Now if you'll excuse me I have to go and get some kids to spit in my mouth." I felt like Joe was at least capable of being funny on purpose. Meanwhile Pro Comic Pat will happily spend eight hours humorlessly telling people they didn't fart in his wife's snizz.