Who here was molested ?


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
I’ll go first. It was a male family member from when I was 5-8.

Then a gay porn actor (I use that word loosely) who moonlit as a prostitute, and meth/cocaine addict tried to fuck me. But I was 10 at the time and it wasn’t my first rodeo. He was living in my home. so one night when everyone was out. he came into my brothers room. where I was playing mortal Kombat. He grabbed a controller and feigned interest even throwing in a really pathetic attempt at acting like he cared about the competitive aspect of the game.

He told me he knew that my brother kept a vhs with Latina porn on it and that we should watch it together. I knew where this was heading but at 10 years old I was 160 pounds and 5’5 where he was maybe 5’7 but couldn’t have been more than a buck thirty. Also I knew if he tried anything I had his ass (not literally) but I could use it to get him to buy me shit, do favors or whatever.

So he says let’s Jack off together. He started grabbing his dick. It took a lot for me not to laugh because I was working up the emotional juice to pretend to be terrified. When headlights shone through the broken blinds of my brothers window. As the engine turned off and those old heavy metal doors that Buick’s had started slamming. He was already unlocking the door rushing into the living room to pretend he had been watching television the entire time. I could hear muffled conversation and the sound of keys jingling then my front door opening. I picked up my controller and finished off the sub zero he left rhythmically swaying in a fighting stance.

Later that week he came into the pool when I was in there alone and kept asking me if I wanted to see what a Louisiana water snake looked like. (He was from Louisiana) I didn’t get what he meant at the time. but I just kept artistically telling him I didn’t care about snakes.

He ended up leaving but then came back two years later dressed as a woman with a bag that had 20/30k in it. I waited for him to try to fuck me again because I was going to steal his money then blackmail him. I was older so I was much larger and I assume less attractive to him at that point. So he never did try again. Sometime after Katrina my brothers and his friend called me into his room to show me him getting fucked on a gay porn site.


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
Thanks brother, me too. I guess I just wasn’t a sexy kid?
Nah man I’m sure you were more than worthy. I definitely wasn’t making any pedo pin up calendars. It’s just that Degenerate Faggots will fuck anything especially if they’re on any kind of uppers. If you have children keep them away from Homos.. also women truck drivers.


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
One of my biggest regrets in life is my youngest brother at maybe age 6 and I was 12, told me my best friend showed him his dick, and I didn't do anything or thought it was a big deal, just an odd thing to do...I was that innocent that I didn't even get viscerally disgusted, just embarrassed for my buddy.

Later on we find out my best friend was some Annabelle tomlinson type step-child (that the dad thought was his) and not even biologically related to his other siblings which markedly shattered his psyche. Karma
Dude that’s a really fucking young age to be placing blame or regret on yourself. The problem ain’t with you. Your friend is a sick weirdo fag.