White wahmen hate thread

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
That’s what I figured, funny you say video games because I was in the office today and the cube behind me a guy was talking another guy on his team (guys are late 20s / 30s) and one said he couldn’t wait for the new MLB game and talked video games. Guys I see around the office usual walk / eat lunch together and it’s things they did / going to do this weekend / movie or tv they watched last night / sports etc. but the women in the same age group just complain and spend their day scrolling on their phones.
Turns out when you give women what they think they want they turn into miserable shrews.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Men also are masters at hiding how unhappy they are.

Women get catered to by and large. So long as you aren't a cow, people will sympathize. But most people do not sympathize with men.

I'm not saying men should be pussies, but if men were unhappier now than say 100 years ago, it'd be hard to tell by looking at things outwardly. You have to look at suicide rates and the like.

Being a child of the 80s, when I was a kid the future was going to be amazing. Flying cars and all that. We didn't get that, but still, there was an optimism that you couldn't believe. Try asking any White teenager if the future is going to be better or worse. They all say worse. I do think having pessimistic men in their early-mid 20s is not a recipe for a successful culture.

It also really bothers me, when I think about it, how worse today's women are compared with 50 or 100 years ago. Today's boys are really fighting for table scraps.


Stand Alone Fruit
Men also are masters at hiding how unhappy they are.

Women get catered to by and large. So long as you aren't a cow, people will sympathize. But most people do not sympathize with men.

I'm not saying men should be pussies, but if men were unhappier now than say 100 years ago, it'd be hard to tell by looking at things outwardly. You have to look at suicide rates and the like.

Being a child of the 80s, when I was a kid the future was going to be amazing. Flying cars and all that. We didn't get that, but still, there was an optimism that you couldn't believe. Try asking any White teenager if the future is going to be better or worse. They all say worse. I do think having pessimistic men in their early-mid 20s is not a recipe for a successful culture.

It also really bothers me, when I think about it, how worse today's women are compared with 50 or 100 years ago. Today's boys are really fighting for table scraps.
Same here - I’m late 30s and live a good life (good job, have a mortgage, low stress, etc) but I wonder how the young 20 something guys are - especially with how awful women their age are. I can’t believe how many average to fit looking guys are dating big gross slobs, is that all that’s out there? Slobs with insane standards? I am shocked at how many fat slobs I see that are women.

TLDR say slobs again, stupid
That’s what I figured, funny you say video games because I was in the office today and the cube behind me a guy was talking another guy on his team (guys are late 20s / 30s) and one said he couldn’t wait for the new MLB game and talked video games.
Sounds like those guys were talking in the Gamecube ha ha (just some light gaymur humor for ya).
It also really bothers me, when I think about it, how worse today's women are compared with 50 or 100 years ago. Today's boys are really fighting for table scraps.
Most of our mothers and maybe even our grandmother's were garbage too. Mine certainly were.

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
That’s what I figured, funny you say video games because I was in the office today and the cube behind me a guy was talking another guy on his team (guys are late 20s / 30s) and one said he couldn’t wait for the new MLB game and talked video games. Guys I see around the office usual walk / eat lunch together and it’s things they did / going to do this weekend / movie or tv they watched last night / sports etc. but the women in the same age group just complain and spend their day scrolling on their phones.
And they pretend to be friends and allies but they only really hang out in groups of 2-3 and spend all their time trashing the other girls.


Stand Alone Fruit
And they pretend to be friends and allies but they only really hang out in groups of 2-3 and spend all their time trashing the other girls.
I’ve always said nobody hates women like other women. They claim all their problems are because men hate them yet can’t even get along with each other. Men in workplaces for the most part get along - there’s always one or two assholes but for the most part there isn’t a problem. But women? Holy shit.

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
I’ve always said nobody hates women like other women. They claim all their problems are because men hate them yet can’t even get along with each other. Men in workplaces for the most part get along - there’s always one or two assholes but for the most part there isn’t a problem. But women? Holy shit.
It's all superficial. Their complements are so empty. They can have the shittiest purse or shirt and get a "that looks cute" just so they can get the same compliment back later. I think they do it especially if the girl is wearing something ridiculous so she'll have confidence looking stupid.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Good old Kristin here has never been around real life niggers. She only knows the ones that TV and movies tell her about. You know, fictional ones.


Sue Lightning

Men also are masters at hiding how unhappy they are.
Have you ever come home from a long day of work and pulling in the driveway you just sit in your car for 10 minutes, head in your hands in complete silence? Because you walk in the house and immediately your wife or girlfriend is talking your fucking ear off and has no conception you had a long day at work and want to be left alone. If they DO have this conception, they foolishly and narcissistically think talking to you will make your day better. They are that self obsessed that they think their PRESENCE should or will just wash all your problems away.

Everytime I see a boomer go “I HATE MY WIFE” everyone on Reddit goes “Omg why even get married then!!!” and it shows a serious naivitie towards women and relationships in general. No matter how much someone loves their women there’s like 10 things they do that makes you HATE them. But women use their love for you as a weapon (to quote Patrice), which ends up making it harder for you to hate them.

I don’t think theres a single man on Earth who, no matter how happy and successful his relationship is, doesn’t hate his girlfriend to some degree.


the worst part about a job with HR and no bullying policies is you can't bully your annoying women coworkers. you can't even do it subtly through gaslighting, it's still enough to get in trouble.

Dog Eater

Apartheid is cool.
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Nice emotional overreaction to absolutely nothing and losing your leg, stupid.

“I didn’t know what to do in that situation,” she said. “I felt so helpless. And I remember I started to cry, and I remember telling myself, ‘If you cry, you’re done,’ like ‘This is the end for you.’”
Oh so now it’s bad to cry got it.

The extent of her injury forced doctors to amputate her leg, not once but five times. They tried taking it at my knee, through my knee. My leg just kept rotting because the bone was broken so high up,” Littledike said. “Every other day, they were going in and taking more leg.
Evidently her doctors were women. They treated amputating her leg like they would levelling a table.

Before my accident, I struggled with mental health. I wanted to commit suicide,”
Admit that you tried to kill yourself in a car crash and take your friends with you you cunt.

Imagine being the guy who broke up with her and 40 years later telling your grandson “wanna hear a really funny story?”


This is correct.

Ignoring and showing zero interest in what female coworker says really does hurt them.
Just ignore them. This destroys the woman. It’s also how you fuck them if that’s what you want.
I sit next to one and have no choice but to ignore her because if i reply its going to be rude. 30 years old and talks about taylor swift, the bachelor, feminism... i just dont respond. She thinks im an introvert. No, stupid.