Where we at with da Ukraine?



Some Russian tank comms rely on civilian use Chinese analogue walkie-talkies. Ukrainians get on their frequency and CoD online level shit-talking ensues

[URL unfurl="true"]https://mobile.twitter.com/A_z_im/status/1498999740066840583?t=d42GX7A7y9QeFniIPhgenQ&s=08[/URL]


Which parts are lies and disinfo? We've got propaganda hitting us from all sides and need some truth.
Eastern euros joined nato because the only country threathening them was Russia.
Back then russia was incredibly poor and fucked so they didn't try anything stupid luckily.
He is also blaming only ukranians for the war in donbass when both sides are to blame. Separatists also use human shields and bomb civilians. Most ceasefire violations were done by russian side and russians shot down MH17.
Obvious lie is him saying how Ukrainian army fell in one day which as we know now is also a lie. Specially considering that Russia has been planning this a long time.
He is also blaming ukrainians for worshiping Bandera while russians worship Stalin or Lenin.

so yeah, trust noone, not even yourself.


Eastern euros joined nato because the only country threathening them was Russia.
Back then russia was incredibly poor and fucked so they didn't try anything stupid luckily.
He is also blaming only ukranians for the war in donbass when both sides are to blame. Separatists also use human shields and bomb civilians. Most ceasefire violations were done by russian side and russians shot down MH17.
Obvious lie is him saying how Ukrainian army fell in one day which as we know now is also a lie. Specially considering that Russia has been planning this a long time.
He is also blaming ukrainians for worshiping Bandera while russians worship Stalin or Lenin.

so yeah, trust noone, not even yourself.



Look guys Im literally obsessed with this sort of shit...don't think I'm doing this for ribs. This war should give you some food for thought:

-Europe is America's bitch (even Germany, France...forget the smaller countries like Greece, Poland, etc)
-At first Germany was hesitant to go against Putin, but now everyone is at tandem with the US State dept
-Ukraine is Russia's backyard, we have NO business expanding or doing anything except having it be at best, a neutral buffer state
-America's foreign policy does not care about the smaller NATO allies neighboring Russia, and will get them tangled up just to contain Russia
-Putin is thinking 'imperially' which makes sense...Nobody knows what the West's end game is, Agenda21? WEF? Fuck that, at least imperialism is an enemy you know.
-Putin thought he could sow a rift between the NATO alliance, but he has been overwhelmed by the utter servitude EU has to US deep state demands, and the colossal synchronicity involved with this batch of sanctions has gob-smacked him. We proved to the world Russia is just a raggedy nigger state
-He was also let down by his BRICs beta lurkers, particularly China. India, Brazil are our bitches anyway.

Continental european posters can confirm what I'm saying is true.
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I see penises everywhere
Look guys Im literally obsessed with this sort of shit...don't think I'm doing this for ribs. This war should give you some food for thought:

-Europe is America's bitch (even Germany, France...forget the smaller countries like Greece, Poland, etc)
-At first Germany was hesitant to go against Putin, but now everyone is at tandem with the US State dept
-Ukraine is Russia's backyard, we have NO business expanding or doing anything except having it be at best, a neutral buffer state
-America's foreign policy does not care about the smaller NATO allies neighboring Russia, and will get them tangled up just to contain Russia
-Putin is thinking 'imperially' which makes sense...Nobody knows what the West's end game is, Agenda21? WEF? Fuck that, at least imperialism is an enemy you know.
-Putin thought he could sow a rift between the NATO alliance, but he has been overwhelmed by the utter servitude EU has to US deep state demands, and the colossal synchronicity involved with this batch of sanctions has gob-smacked him. We proved to the world Russia is just a raggedy nigger state
-He was also let down by his BRICs beta lurkers, particularly China. India, Brazil are our bitches anyway.

Continental european posters can confirm what I'm saying is true.
This is actually, no joke, one of the best takes I've heard on this situation, child.


Making it from scratch is a whole different thing from buying it ready-made. It's a technically difficult dish to pull off so props to that babushka.

Here's Marco doing it (it should always be a bone in breast)

Yup. She had me help her make it a few times so I could learn it. I'm sure if I had the motivation I could make it myself but it's a good amount of work. She was a Real Ass Babushka and treated this little spic like her own. I do miss living there, I'm sure she's dead by now though.

Don't get me started on the chebureki. 🤤

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!

I fucking hate Redditors, these soft faggots will be a liability on a battlefield. The only good that can come from all this is a few less soyboys walking the earth. They are telling people who want to volunteer to make sure they are vaxxed first lol. Some good shit on that sub, people unironically asking if them playing a lot of Arma will equate with them being capable in a warzone.


Pfizer-BioNTech approved mod

I fucking hate Redditors, these soft faggots will be a liability on a battlefield. The only good that can come from all this is a few less soyboys walking the earth. They are telling people who want to volunteer to make sure they are vaxxed first lol. Some good shit on that sub, people unironically asking if them playing a lot of Arma will equate with them being capable in a warzone.

Do they have Pokemon Go in Ukraine? If not then I'm out.