Where do you stand on Medicare For All?



They already have fucked it up. I have a heart, but funds could've been created for catastrophic care and people declared as victims of events and premiums wouldn't have gone up as much as they have. All these insurers have bought naming rights to buildings and stadiums because they didnt know what else to do with their money. Obamacare is only more popular now with businesses because they just don't want further disruptions
It’s funny, even the insurance company that’s just for government employees bought naming rights to a stadium

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
You go to the ER, sit for several hours, get an Xray, a doctor comes in and looks at you for 5.6 seconds, then you go home and get 3 separate bills..

One from the hospital, one from the doctor who did nothing, and one from radiology

then you let them go to collections and file a dispute with Transunion and Equifax
To be quite honest, I want the government to spend as much as they can!!! Collapse the entire nation as quickly as possible.
It's never going to get better by elections, and all the fuckers who support the 2nd Amendment don't seem to want to use it for its intended purpose of overthrowing the government. The whole nation must pay for its sins by living the effects of America's impending economic implosion.

But I wouldn't mind getting a new set of teeth, before the Fall of Babylon, to eat cats and squirrels with for survival...