What's your go to music when you're drunk, alone, and ready to prance?


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
I've heard King of Wishful Thinking about 1000 times in the last 6 months. It came from watching Paul Rudds Too Much Time on My Hands parody and then that eventually followed into the rerecording of this video. For some reason my 1 year old loves the shit outta that song so it's been on alot over here, when I didn't even know it existed a year ago.

It's a pretty catchy song, but then the music video makes it so much better. First off, they look like an early 90s WCW tag team, the cleancut blonde and the longhaired ethnic.

The lead singer is doing the Phil Collins thing where he also drums, but the video only has like 8 seconds of him drumming. The rest of the video is just him doing his one white guy dance move. It has to win the award for worst choreography ever in a music video, just him doing his same little shuffle in different outfits.

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
It's a pretty catchy song, but then the music video makes it so much better. First off, they look like an early 90s WCW tag team, the cleancut blonde and the longhaired ethnic.

The lead singer is doing the Phil Collins thing where he also drums, but the video only has like 8 seconds of him drumming. The rest of the video is just him doing his one white guy dance move. It has to win the award for worst choreography ever in a music video, just him doing his same little shuffle in different outfits.

I'm guessing you've seen this?:

What's also a little perplexing, is I saw a live video from probably only like 10 years ago where they are playing some huge festival and everyone is singing the song and shit. Those guys were that big and I just didn't know of their existence?


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
I'm guessing you've seen this?:

What's also a little perplexing, is I saw a live video from probably only like 10 years ago where they are playing some huge festival and everyone is singing the song and shit. Those guys were that big and I just didn't know of their existence?

The early 90s were weird musically before grunge came along. Mostly remembered for wacky rap songs like U Can't Touch This or Ice Ice Baby or sappy power ballads. A lot of songs from that era don't get regular airplay on the radio growing up.

Yeah, I saw the Paul Rudd version a few months after stumbling upon the song, I like the original better. There's a weird uncanny valley thing with the remake where some shots are remade and others are just Paul's face CGIed into the original. But if he was gonna do a shot-for-shot remake of any music video, this is a good one to pick.

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
The early 90s were weird musically before grunge came along. Mostly remembered for wacky rap songs like U Can't Touch This or Ice Ice Baby or sappy power ballads. A lot of songs from that era don't get regular airplay on the radio growing up.

Yeah, I saw the Paul Rudd version a few months after stumbling upon the song, I like the original better. There's a weird uncanny valley thing with the remake where some shots are remade and others are just Paul's face CGIed into the original. But if he was gonna do a shot-for-shot remake of any music video, this is a good one to pick.

Damn dude never noticed the CGI shit before gonna have to look for that. Don't know whey they didn't do more of these, the 3 or 4 that exist are hilarious. There's tons of great shit from 80s-early 90s that would be hilarious.