What's your go to music when you're drunk, alone, and ready to prance?



I prance to the strokes artic monkeys. First three Kanye albums. Simon and Garfunkel. The animals. I prance to a lot of Motown too. Pusha T has legitimately great music and he exposed drake as a jew exploiting black culture. Do a little nirvana prancing. When I'm gay and nostalgic blink 182. Oasis prances pretty good.

I like to sashay to a lot of different music. Sunday morning coming down by Chris christopherson (can't spell) and ease my troubling mind by Sam cooke are some of my favorite songs to contimplate suicide to.
I like to vamp to a lil bit of the Blink 182, tbh
Before anyone asks, yes, I am a middle-aged gay man.


Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain

I've heard King of Wishful Thinking about 1000 times in the last 6 months. It came from watching Paul Rudds Too Much Time on My Hands parody and then that eventually followed into the rerecording of this video. For some reason my 1 year old loves the shit outta that song so it's been on alot over here, when I didn't even know it existed a year ago.