Whats this guys problem?


He's been fishing for a Josiah Muñoz to tell his story. Vicky Brownworth is shopping the story around. Weird that this would be necessary with Rick's big FBI case just about to wrap up. Very odd.

View attachment 53746

"They get to harm minorities"

Who was harmed? Oh I forgot, these people describe rude comments as acts of violence and terrorism. I don't see how that's our fault.

"ruin my personal and professional relationships"

What relationships? He has no job and no friends. He must mean his circle of fellow sad twitter addicts. Tagging Tor Books in a tweet doesn't count as a professional relationship, tubby. Fat.


why would a white supremacist have their god and king emperor haile selassie i as their pfp?


Keyboard Warrior
Why doesn't Patrick pin a tweet saying something about if you've gotten an email from me via your contact form it's probably not real?

It's because he wants the fucking attention. Every time he gets told about it, he gets to play the victim and it's another dopamine hit.

Fucking asshole doesn't care who gets caught in the crossfire ever. He's so hateable.

Will Tate

Oven March
"They get to harm minorities"

Who was harmed? Oh I forgot, these people describe rude comments as acts of violence and terrorism. I don't see how that's our fault.

"ruin my personal and professional relationships"

What relationships? He has no job and no friends. He must mean his circle of fellow sad twitter addicts. Tagging Tor Books in a tweet doesn't count as a professional relationship, tubby. Fat.
Wasn't anyone here who told him that comedy show was "cancelled" so he wouldn't show up to it.
Unless that dude has since come here and joined the party.