Whats this guys problem?


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
"Might want to actually read the conversation, then delete this."

How about you open with a "please delete this, this wasn't me" then link her to this place or calmly explain it to her? Or you can keep going with your catch more flies with vinegar approach which has been a proven winner.
What's he even mean by reading the conversation?


I’ve been surprised by how consistently they all do the exact same thing when they receive these contact forms.

1. Read contact form
2. Gasp in shock
3. Take a screenshot
4. Tag Piggy and tweet it out
5. Argue with him an hour
He really doesnt see that even while approaching them as a victim, he's still imposing his nonsense on their lives? If I were in his shoes, It might even be a better tactic to have pro-pat trolls (his alt ofcourse) just flipping the script. "No Patrick is a great author, these are his alogs, children" etc

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
If he stopped tweeting it would all be over.
A small part of me thinks he really doesnt know how easy it would actually be to get trolls to go away but I mostly think he likes the attention in hopes of a payday. He used to like to fight with them but he doesnt act like that anymore. He has taken too many Ls. So now instead of "confident troll slayer " he is the victim of all the pearl clutching buzzwords you can think of.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Dont apologize to the stlaker



12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
I like when he lied about the contact form bit going on "for years" when it's only a couple months old.

It's the tiny fibs, Patrick. The tiny little fibs that make your story more compelling that cause actual reporters to go "oh this guy's full of shit".

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
I have no idea what he means by "unverified contact forms".

What type of contact form requires you to pass some kind of ID test to use it? None is the answer. Stop making up your own language, Torque Wheeler. It won't do!
1.2 Rick wants random business moms to have their websites contact forms to be more legitimate than national elections