What was pre internet entertainment like?

Opie Army

I coulda been a mawdull
You used to watch porn like this? Lmao, kids have it too easy today with instant porn access.
Yeah, usually the sound was crystal clear with half-second audio dropouts every 20 seconds or so, usually when the picture cleared up, so that was almost an upgrade from whatever magazines we could find or steal & hide.


Yeah, usually the sound was crystal clear with half-second audio dropouts every 20 seconds or so, usually when the picture cleared up, so that was almost an upgrade from whatever magazines we could find or steal & hide.

That really left a lot to the imagination, i miss those days where you really had to fantasise while jacking it. Now with instant porn access it’s all so clinical.

Opie Army

I coulda been a mawdull
You'd watch hours. The first comment on that video nailed it.

The first time I ever seen the movie Dangerous Minds was on I believe scrambled HBO. Literally the whole movie scrambled.
Every once in a while I'd get pissed we didn't get Showtime, I missed out on all of those Gallagher specials.


Is that true? I dont doubt it. Just never heard it before.
True that it would occasionally unscramble? Yes. I remember seeing it dozens of times.

Or true that if would unscramble to entice? That's what my uncle's wife told us. She worked for Timer Warner Cable back then. She wasn't talking about porn, but instead taking about other shit like HBO and Showtime. Makes sense Playboy Network and Spice would do the same thing. It more than often would clear up especially during the Hotline Ads, which also made sense.

Opie Army

I coulda been a mawdull
True that it would occasionally unscramble? Yes. I remember seeing it dozens of times.

Or true that if would unscramble to entice? That's what my uncle's wife told us. She worked for Timer Warner Cable back then. She wasn't talking about porn, but instead taking about other shit like HBO and Showtime. Makes sense Playboy Network and Spice would do the same thing. It more than often would clear up especially during the Hotline Ads, which also made sense.
I never heard of that but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't a common trade secret among cable employees. You gotta imagine there was more than a few moral citizens who were pissed off that they couldn't prevent it from happening in their own houses.

Opie Army

I coulda been a mawdull
Living temporarily at home but it still feels a little bit like 1987 but with less Rhonda Shear & Gilbert Gottfried.


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My friends used to call each other on our landlines and then we’d all gather at someone’s house and play sports or Sega or go fuck around in the creek. I fell off of a tree in 4th grade and broke my arm. My parents didn’t believe me and took me to the hospital the next day.

Entertainment was better because you had to be patient. You had to wait to go to Blockbuster or the movies. You could only watch Monday Night Raw or Nitro on Monday or pray your friend taped it. I think this forced content producers to really focus efforts on making quality shit because you didn’t have a stupid smartphone making noises every 10 seconds.

When the internet did come around, it was 56k and slow as fuck. My parents were terrified of sex predators in the chat rooms but my friends and I would go in them and try to get girls to send us naked pictures, usually failing. Every once in a while we’d actually convince some girl or whoever the fuck it was to send them and then we’d immediately call her fat and ugly.


My friends used to call each other on our landlines and then we’d all gather at someone’s house and play sports or Sega or go fuck around in the creek. I fell off of a tree in 4th grade and broke my arm. My parents didn’t believe me and took me to the hospital the next day.
Did your parents feel bad?

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
You'd watch hours. The first comment on that video nailed it.

The first time I ever seen the movie Dangerous Minds was on I believe scrambled HBO. Literally the whole movie scrambled.
There was a rumor - never verified - that if you left scrambled porn on for 24 hours it would clear up so you'd be able to see everything.
The things we'd believe back then...


There was a rumor - never verified - that if you left scrambled porn on for 24 hours it would clear up so you'd be able to see everything.
The things we'd believe back then...
Lol you won't believe me, but I tried that. I remember turning the volume down all the way, draping a cloth over it to cover the screen and angled it in a way where you had to go into my closet to see it. I left it on for almost 2 days straight. CRT TV too so it got warm in the room from it being on so long.

I debunked that rumor in 1996.

I was severely addicted to scrambled porn.