What single piece of media (a videogame, movie, song, tv show, etc.) completely locked you in as a fan for life?



Honestly, listened to OnA every day for like 8 years straight. Little did I know Jimmy, Ant, Opie, Vos, Burr, etc. were all faggots.


I grew up mostly watching people play videogames, it wasn't until my uncle bought me GTA 1 for the PS1 that I knew I was gonna be a fan of gaming for probably the rest of my life. Even if I'm not playing a game, I can still enjoy watching people play them.

GTA 1 completely floored me at the time. I was 10 years old and it was the first mature game that someone got me. He didn't even know the game existed and bought it because I said how cool it was. I remember getting home and he let me boot it up right away as he went and did drugs out back with his buddies and I played for about 4 hours nonstop.

How bout you all?
Watching Carlito’s Way made me love Puerto Rican people. Louis Guzman 🇵🇷


The first time I had gay sex. Oh, media? First time I watched gay porn, then.
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Blackface Killah
I bought a Fender Jazz Bass when I was 18 and never put the fucking thing down. I can shred like Eddie Van on bass even tho I'm mad wiggerish.


Fallout 2 which was the first game I ever played which would let me be a true piece of shit. I could gun down children and leave their bodies in the street. I could sell my trusted companions into slavery. I fucked some crime lord's daughter in his casino and then I fucked his wife too. Before that my only exposure to games were cartoony Nintendo ones and I always thought they were dumb.

The new ones are ultimately boring because they pander to parents groups and there's too much money at stake for them to be controversial.
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Access to the Debates
Beavis and Butthead was big for me. I was young when it was out and my older brother and I would stay up late to watch it. At that age I didn’t pick up on the satirical angle so much and was influenced by the type of “everything sucks maaaaan” 90s zeitgeist that Beavis and Butthead parodied.

I also collected and played Warhammer 40k because of a magazine my brother bought when I was 7. The pictures in it looked so cool to me at that age that I’ve nerded out over it since. Shit is expensive nowadays though and I don’t have time like I used to.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Fallout 2 which was the first game I ever played which would let me be a true piece of shit. I could gun down children and leave their bodies in the street. I could sell my trusted companions into slavery. I fucked some crime lord's daughter in his casino and then I fucked his wife too.
Hahaha, holy shit!

Radio: I think the Homeless Shopping Spree or the Sex for Sam (year before St Patrick’s) locked me into O&A.

Games: I was really into the Resident Evil series for a while. When that fucking licker came through the glass in RE2 it legitimately freaked me out, and I got hooked.

Music: This will be seen as a gay choice, but I listened to Ten a lot when it came out and that cemented my grunge fandom. I liked the other major groups too, and I still listen to all that shit from like 91 to 95 to this day. I can’t stand anything from Pearl Jam after 2000.

Sports: This counts as media and watching Randall Cunningham is what sold me on football when I was kid. Yes, this is another gay answer.


I was hooked on Sam when I watched the TED talk he did. People say he isn't funny anymore and I disagree. This is hilarious to me

I like how he's putting up money for charity to fight that Turkroach Hasan Piker, and he's ducking him.

N64 Cube

Patrick S. Tomlinson staring in “Liquor Pig”
WWAW the Gears of War franchise? I started with the 2nd one. I’m not really into that kind of category of game, Read something about the storyline of the franchise I really enjoy.



I like how he's putting up money for charity to fight that Turkroach Hasan Piker, and he's ducking him.
His excuse is pathetic. "I don't want to give a platform for Nazis" or some shit. What is he afraid of that people will realize Sam is right about his kind?