What single piece of media (a videogame, movie, song, tv show, etc.) completely locked you in as a fan for life?



I have a face like a shovel
sadly, that fucking angle that set up the WRESTLEMANIA 2 main event (Hogan/Bundy- not the battle royal, or Piper/Mr.T) is what hooked me into something that I know everything about but fucking hate....

I fucking hate professional wrestling now but I can tell you which of Jim Breaks matches with Jon Cortez is the apex of their feud (and I'm not even British)

I would say the same about "The Punisher", and comic books but I still love comic books......


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
I got really into the books as a kid after seeing them. The orcs in the ring movies are 10000x better than shit cgi hobbit orcs
I tried watching the first hobbit movie but tapped out halfway through, the movie looks like absolute dog shit, those dwarves need to be fucking shot, annoying cunts.


I tried watching the first hobbit movie but tapped out halfway through, the movie looks like absolute dog shit, those dwarves need to be fucking shot, annoying cunts.

I would love to have seen what Guillermo del Toro would have done with it. The Hobbit was a complete production nightmare, Jackson didn’t know half of the time what he was doing and basically winged it.

Twin Peaks was the first thing I watched of David Lynch and was hooked immediately I never watched anything like it before and it shaped my gay 16 year old mind at the time.

Metal Slug 2 hooked me immediately seeing it at a pizza place I went to and watching a guy and girl just tear through it. The pixel art and gore was like nothing I had seen since then. I think I was 10.

Doom hooked me right away because I was never allowed to play it as a child and would play it secretly on the family PC.
Still the best TV show of all time to me. Nothing comes remotely close

Front 242

Bad Boy Bubby
Ron & Fez for me, they really changed the game, you never knew what was a bit or not.

I can endlessly relisten to those guys, while o&a just annoy me at this point.

I can't get into R&F because it's too much faggot intern shit. ESD is the best, but Earl and Pepper are boring as fuck. Is there a good time period I should listen to? 2008 til the end has been decent if I recall correctly


I grew up mostly watching people play videogames, it wasn't until my uncle bought me GTA 1 for the PS1 that I knew I was gonna be a fan of gaming for probably the rest of my life. Even if I'm not playing a game, I can still enjoy watching people play them.

GTA 1 completely floored me at the time. I was 10 years old and it was the first mature game that someone got me. He didn't even know the game existed and bought it because I said how cool it was. I remember getting home and he let me boot it up right away as he went and did drugs out back with his buddies and I played for about 4 hours nonstop.
GTA, GTA London 1969, and GTA 2 all deserve to be remastered. Never understood why Rockstar acts like they don't exist.


GTA, GTA London 1969, and GTA 2 all deserve to be remastered. Never understood why Rockstar acts like they don't exist.
People wouldn't be happy with it. Like the new Definitive Editions for 3 VC and SA. After the bug fixes, I think they're great. BUT too many people were assuming a whole new remake similar to the fan made ones people were pushing out.

If they remade the old 2D ones with newer textures and cleaner audio the true fans, like us, would love them, but there's no market for those fans, because the faggots who want a new HD remake from the ground up are the ones who ruin it for all.

I'd pay $60 for cleaned up 2D era GTA games. I'm a rockstar faggot since DMA days.