What is the most outlandish conspiracy theory you actually believe?


May St. Mel bless you
This is one I'm with the nogs on:

The US government assassinated Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X on the orders of Lyndon Johnson. Set up a white guy as the patsy on one and some black guys on the other, which set off race riots and further divided whites from blacks. And left blacks with no leaders other than figures the Democrat party approved of.


Ain't it fun?
Ortothropics / Dr. Mike Mew's advice is 100% factual and would hugely benefit health in tons of ways, and jews placed dentist moles into incel communities to discredit it as beta males wanting to have a better jawline.

Xylitol is as important or even more than fluorine in regards to oral health but much simpler to produce and cost prohibitive.

Sitting related joint/back issues are mostly due to the way chairs are designed, especially for men. Google saddle/Salli chairs and genital health.

AIDS was manufactured by powerful gay-hating christians for the simple reason to kill faggots and junkies.

I got more, I smoke a lot of weed. I wish I kept a list of these.
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fuck jews
Jews worship Satan

Star of David = Star of Remphan




The Space Race was a hoax and a ruse agreed upon by the US and Russians to explain their timely, consistent dissemination of Nazi engineering/tech.

Neil Armstrong and Yuri Gagarin was the same person. The audacity of it is actually admirable:



Astronauts are all freemasons and in on da bit.