What is the most blatantly false story from The Opester?


The gunslinger.
That blonde aspy fruit lied about pretty much everything, he grew up solidly middle class like all of centerport and never had to “go hungry”, his childhood was like the opening scene from caddyshack.
He made up all those poor stories to ingratiate himself with the weeerking class audience of wbab and waaf, a total phony.
Truth is the reason opie came off as “boring” and naht funny is because he literally never lived life, he went from highschool to a college frat to being a nighttime jockey while never leaving long island.
He doesn’t have any working class stories or wild experiences which is why he makes up shit like caddying for the mob or picking up marshmallows with his asshole.
He’s just a fucking dud that got lucky he tripped a gig paired with the funniest , quickest man in radio and possibly comedic his-tory.

You’re not wrong but I would say without irony or sarcasm if you listen back to early OnA without bias, Opie is genuinely funny and likeable. Even when he wasn’t, he did keep the show moving and structured, Ant on his own is boring whining about blacks or trying to further his own pedophile antics.


Hurr durrr everyone is pedophile!!!
I want to be tony so bad!!! Im seething!!

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Nice npc train of thought, stupid.
Keep worshipping an autistic aspy faggot, you must see a lot of yourself in the “opester” (an actual coprophilic pedophile)
Go jerk off to “the sound of freedumb” again.


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