What is a judgment debtor's examination? Let's ask our nigga Jerry Jen



It's just more on the growing list
"the grounds"

Doesn't he have like less than a quarter acre lot, including the house?


DEFINITELY NOT a WormKiller alt account
Why do these law firms need to show their attorneys in the midst of a 'power walk?' Hebe Kikenberger does it too, except hers had the receptionist front and center showing off the bruises on her leg from where she fell down drunk the night before.
Come on you know why. At the beginning of law and order they used to show the lawyers and prosecutors walking towards the camera.


DEFINITELY NOT a WormKiller alt account
"the grounds"

Doesn't he have like less than a quarter acre lot, including the house?
The grounds. He is actually acting like he lives on an estate.

"Phineas! The beggar children from the poor side of the neighborhood have stumbled onto our compound! Release the hounds!"

For him it's not the wrong side of the tracks, it's the wrong side of the house. Because he only lives in half of one.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
The judgment lien lasts for 10 years. If Patrick really has no intention of paying Quasi, buckle up kids because Patposting might continue until 2030.
Gotta be a way of renewing it. (Edit: yea you can renew it. This part was also interesting too..)

  • Does the debtor have a professional license? in some states, you can file a judgment with the state licensing board. For instance, in California, a contractor must handle the debt by paying the award or filing for bankruptcy to prevent losing the license.

Are they talking about Licensing to sell insurance?
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I could only wish Pat got some of the same treatment here my grandfather was subjected to by the Japanese in WWII
Worked with guy that had retired that would come in here and there and tell stories about what those rotten bastards would do, he was in the islands during war, he seen the dick in the mouth thing done to some of his buddies, he ended up getting shot in the head and surviving, if they captured pat they would beat him more for being so fat